[TL-Directors] Upcoming funding opportunities for Digital Equity initiatives
Arlene.WEIBLE at slo.oregon.gov
Wed Jul 24 09:45:35 PDT 2024
Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) released information about their Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program<https://www.ntia.gov/federal-register-notice/2024/notice-funding-opportunity-digital-equity-competitive-grant-program> today.
These competitive grants will resource initiatives that support populations most impacted by digital divides. Populations covered include: Low-income households, older adults, justice-impacted people, people living with disabilities, rural communities, and racial and ethnic minority groups.
This is a national, multi-year grant program. The deadline for applications for the first year is September 23, 2024.
Eligible projects for this program include
* Develop and implement digital inclusion activities that benefit one or more of the Covered Populations;
* Facilitate the adoption of broadband by the Covered Populations in order to provide educational and employment opportunities;
* Implement training programs for the Covered Populations that cover basic, advanced, and applied skills;
* Implement workforce development programs;
* Make available equipment, instrumentation, networking capability and digital network technology for broadband services to Covered Populations at low or no cost;
* Construct, upgrade, expand, or operate new or existing public access computing centers for Covered Populations through community anchor institutions (including libraries!)
Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program
Complementing the national grant program, state-level funding for digital equity initiatives will also be available from the Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program<https://www.oregon.gov/biz/programs/de/pages/default.aspx>.
Funding opportunities in this program will be based on the State of Oregon Digital Equity Plan<https://www.oregon.gov/biz/Publications/Broadband/ORDigitalEquityPlan.pdf>.
State Library staff will share more details about opportunities for libraries under this program as they become available. Those that would like to track this program directly are encouraged to attend the webinar series hosted by the Oregon Broadband Office<https://www.oregon.gov/biz/programs/de/pages/default.aspx>. The first event in this series will be on July 25 at 12:10 pm. For more information and registration info, go to the Broadband Office website<https://www.oregon.gov/biz/programs/de/pages/default.aspx>.
Resources for grant proposals and applications
Technical Assistance Hub for application help - https://broadbandusa.ntia.gov/technical-assistance-hub
Digital Equity Act Program overview - https://broadbandusa.ntia.gov/funding-programs/digital-equity-act-programs
Digital Equity Resources & Tools for Libraries - https://www.ala.org/advocacy/broadband/digital-equity-resources/library-resources
Both programs mentioned above favor initiatives that involve partnerships among community based organizations, state and local government entities, and other community anchor institutions like schools and health care organizations. If you would like assistance in identifying and contacting potential partners for grant proposals, feel free to contact me at arlene.weible at slo.oregon.gov<mailto:arlene.weible at slo.oregon.gov> or 503-378-5020.
Arlene Weible, MLS (she/her/hers)
Library Consultant
Oregon Federal Regional Depository Coordinator
State Library of Oregon
arlene.weible at slo.oregon.gov<mailto:arlene.weible at slo.oregon.gov> | 503-378-5020 | http://www.oregon.gov/library/libraries
[State Library of Oregon Logo]
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