[TL-Directors] Libraries Leading w/Equity Spring Cohort: Updates & Registration

BRUNSON-ROCHETTE Ericka * SLO Ericka.BRUNSON-ROCHETTE at slo.oregon.gov
Tue Feb 11 15:04:14 PST 2025

Hello Oregon Library advocates,

I am reaching back out with an update on the Libraries Leading with Equity<https://libguides.osl.state.or.us/conted/leadingwithequity> cohort that is scheduled for March and April with two in-person sessions in La Grande. We have received many questions about whether it is still happening, and the answer is yes, we are still offering this equity-based learning opportunity, but we are moving the cohort entirely online in order to accommodate more participants. We have heard that you are looking to reconnect and reaffirm a commitment to this work in light of recent happenings and changes, and that you are looking for a safe space to do so. It is our hope that by moving the cohort entirely online, we can help provide that opportunity for conversation and commitment and expand the cohort's reach during a time where uncertainty and needs are at a high.

Our facilitator, Christina Fuller-Gregory<https://libguides.osl.state.or.us/conted/leadingwithequity#s-lib-ctab-33732643-2>, plans to pivot and reframe the training to include more opportunities for personal reflection and ideation around what it might look like to start, support, and sustain DEI work under the current administration.

Library staff from all library types are welcome to participate - public, school, tribal, academic, county law libraries - and in recognition of the essential role they play in supporting the work of libraries in their communities, we also welcome Board members and dedicated volunteers.

Given these changes, we are extending the application deadline until Friday, February 28, 2025.

Training dates and information:
The 2025 Spring session of Libraries Leading with Equity<https://libguides.osl.state.or.us/conted/leadingwithequity> learning cohort is a fully virtual four-part training that provides comprehensive EDI training based on principles and practices introduced in the Oregon Library Association's Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Antiracism toolkit [pdf<https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BMBeMXv4p9-47KryZI_QPs5BNoFu1rNO/view>]. This free training champions the importance of understanding and incorporating EDI efforts into all aspects of library services, challenging participants to identify ways in which they can build their skills as strong allies and collaborators.

Online training dates are on the following Mondays, from 9a-1p:
March 17, 2025; March 31, 2025; April 14, 2025, and May 5, 2025

Interested library workers, key volunteers, and library advocates are encouraged to read through the Expectations and Support<https://libguides.osl.state.or.us/conted/leadingwithequity#s-lib-ctab-29924876-3> and then submit their application by Friday, February 28, 2025. Participation is free and financial/additional support are available for those in need (please see the Expectations and Support<https://libguides.osl.state.or.us/conted/leadingwithequity#s-lib-ctab-29924876-3> webpage). Additional information can be found on the Libraries Leading with Equity webpage<https://libguides.osl.state.or.us/conted/leadingwithequity>. Registration will cap at 40, with the possibility of extending to 45 if there is significant interest. Directors and managers, please pass along this opportunity to your staff if you are able.

Libraries Leading with Equity is funded in whole by LSTA as administered by the State Library of Oregon.
Questions? Please reach out! ericka.brunson-rochette at slo.oregon.gov<mailto:ericka.brunson-rochette at slo.oregon.gov> or 971-375-5126

Best Regards,
Ericka Brunson-Rochette (she/her/hers)
Library Consultant
State Library of Oregon
ericka.brunson-rochette at slo.oregon.gov<mailto:ericka.brunson-rochette at slo.oregon.gov>| 971-375-5126
[Logo for the Library Support & Development Services division at the State Library of Oregon]<http://www.oregon.gov/library/libraries>
Work Schedule: Monday-Thursday

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