[Treasury-News] Oregon State Treasury | Service Alert

Mon Mar 9 15:25:24 PDT 2020

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Coronavirus Preparedness
Oregonians rely on all levels of government to provide vital services, especially during events like the evolving novel coronavirus (COVID-19) situation. As the financial services center for Oregon's state and local governments, Treasury is committed to continuing to meet our customers' needs.

Treasury regularly reviews and validates our business continuity plans, which address disruptions caused by a variety of events. We regularly work with our financial services partners to understand their preparations for business disruptions. And, we are coordinating with the Governor and other state agencies to ensure that state government is able to continue to serve all Oregonians.

We encourage you to review and validate your organization's business continuity plans and to take action now so that your organization is best positioned to support the communities you serve.

For additional resources on how the state of Oregon is responding to COVID-19, and for guidance on best practices for preventing the spread of many respiratory illnesses, including COVID-19, please visit www.healthoregon.org/coronavirus<https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.healthoregon.org%2Fcoronavirus&data=02%7C01%7CRachel.Wray%40ost.state.or.us%7C260aecedafa148ea4bc808d7c397f6bd%7C9123ae20585d446aabd650dad4c7c1d5%7C1%7C0%7C637192930007910462&sdata=kZAlaQEiij4bDR1j9QNa2Klv7ye6ZFy7ku8p5C4g6RQ%3D&reserved=0>.

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350 Winter Street NE, Suite 100
Salem, OR 97301-3896

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