[Answerland] Upcoming Answerland Feedback Sessions
Gesse.STARK-SMITH at slo.oregon.gov
Mon Oct 28 09:28:55 PDT 2024
Hi All,
I wanted to remind you that we have one more feedback session scheduled for this Thursday, 10/31 from 10:30-11:30am (Registration Link<https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEpd--rrzkjEtX0WbqDoIG_2qaY-0Fhk5PJ>).
A huge thank you to everyone who has attended so far! I've learned so much from your feedback.
Gesse Stark-Smith, MIS (she/her)
Virtual Reference Coordinator
State Library of Oregon
gesse.stark-smith at slo.oregon.gov<mailto:gesse.stark-smith at slo.oregon.gov> | 971-600-4992
Work Schedule: Mon 8-2, Weds & Thurs 8:30-4
[Logo for the Library Support & Development Services division at the State Library of Oregon]<http://www.oregon.gov/library/libraries>
From: Answerland <answerland-bounces at omls.oregon.gov> On Behalf Of STARKSMITH Gesse * SLO via Answerland
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2024 10:33 AM
To: answerland at omls.oregon.gov
Subject: [Answerland] Upcoming Answerland Feedback Sessions
Hi All,
This is just a quick reminder about the upcoming Answerland Feedback Sessions that I will be hosting over zoom. Hope to see you there! If you are unable to attend, but would like to share your thoughts, feel free to do so in writing or contact me about finding another time to meet. Here are the questions we'll be discussing:
* What do you see as the purpose of Answerland?
* What does Answerland do well?
* What does Answerland struggle with?
* When does it work well/poorly to have librarians from all over answering questions?
* What gaps do you see in reference support or access to information in the communities you serve? What kinds of information needs aren't being met?
* How can we make Answerland better?
* Any other feedback that you would like to share?
Meeting Details:
Answerland Feedback Session: Academic Libraries Focus
Monday, 10/21 from 10am-11am
Registration Link<https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwoc-ytrjItHddN_OH8n7js-gCR3nNyl7gn>
Answerland Feedback Session: Public Libraries Focus
Thursday, 10/24 from 2-3pm
Registration Link<https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZItdO6uqzgsEtPd9wDlw0SX0Lb-VUj_0-lg>
Answerland Feedback Session: All Audiences
Thursday, 10/31 from 10:30-11:30am
Registration Link<https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEpd--rrzkjEtX0WbqDoIG_2qaY-0Fhk5PJ>
All the best,
Gesse Stark-Smith, MIS (she/her)
Virtual Reference Coordinator
State Library of Oregon
gesse.stark-smith at slo.oregon.gov<mailto:gesse.stark-smith at slo.oregon.gov> | 971-600-4992
Work Schedule: Mon 8-2, Weds & Thurs 8:30-4
[Logo for the Library Support & Development Services division at the State Library of Oregon]<http://www.oregon.gov/library/libraries>
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