[Answerland] Request for research help: Primary Sources on the Code of Ur-Nammu

STARKSMITH Gesse * SLO Gesse.STARK-SMITH at slo.oregon.gov
Thu Sep 5 11:10:54 PDT 2024

Hi All,

I'm writing to you with a request for research help from a student looking for primary sources on the Code of Ur-Nammu. I have asked the student to potentially check in with their teacher about other topics (I'm not sure if the assignment is specific to this topic or if they selected it) since it seems difficult to find primary sources about this, but it would be great to offer them some more searching support.

This is ticket #14428101. Please, go ahead and claim it if you can work on this question. I believe ticket # 14439810 is from the same patron, so you can also check there for what librarians from the global cooperative have tried. If anyone has a slow chat shift or a little time, I'd really appreciate your help!

Gesse Stark-Smith, MIS (she/her)
Answerland Coordinator
State Library of Oregon
gesse.stark-smith at slo.oregon.gov<mailto:gesse.stark-smith at slo.oregon.gov> | 971-600-4992
Work Schedule: Mon-Weds 9:30-3, Thurs 9-2:30

[Logo for the Library Support & Development Services division at the State Library of Oregon]<http://www.oregon.gov/library/libraries>

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