[Bio_fit] Fish Habitat Distribution Data Standard Review (Draft version 4.0)

Jon Bowers Jon.K.Bowers at state.or.us
Wed Oct 2 11:39:32 PDT 2019

Bio-FIT Members,

A Bio-FIT workgroup for Fish Habitat Distribution (FHD) Data met from April through July 2019 to revise the Data Standard document and also to draft a new Stewardship Plan document.  Edits to the Data Standard document were completed in September while the stewardship plan is still a work in progress.

Attached you will find 2 copies of the Draft Version 4.0 Oregon FHD Data Standard, one that has changes since version 3.0 tracked and the other that is a clean copy.  Please review as you are able by 10/16/19 and provide any feedback that you have back to me using Track Changes.

The Bio-FIT review of the FHD Data Standard is the second stage of the larger revision process. Once this review and any revisions are completed, then the FHD Data Standard will be distributed to the broader GIS community for additional review.

Please let me know if you have any questions regarding the FHD Data Standard document.


Jon Bowers, GISP
GIS Coordinator
Management Resources Division
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife

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