[Bio_fit] Fish Habitat Distribution Data Stewardship Plan Endorsement

SMITH Cy * DAS Cy.SMITH at oregon.gov
Thu Jun 4 19:07:45 PDT 2020

The Oregon Fish Habitat Distribution Database Stewardship Plan<https://www.oregon.gov/geo/FIT%20Documents/OFHDDS_Stewardship_Plan_Version_One_20200604.pdf> has been open for public comment, which closed May 28, 2020.  Because the next Framework Forum will likely be delayed until late this year or early next year due to resource constraints, we are going to pursue a modified process for endorsement by the geospatial community.
There will be a presentation of the Stewardship Plan using the web link below, after which there will be an opportunity for anyone who objects to endorsement of this plan to speak up. If no objections are made known at this meeting, the plan will be presented for final endorsement by the Oregon Geographic Information Council at their next meeting in late July. Please feel free to pass this message along to anyone you believe would be interested or should attend.
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