[Bio_fit] REMINDER: Framework Inventory Public Review Comments Due June 30th

FOLTZ Melissa * DAS Melissa.FOLTZ at das.oregon.gov
Fri Jun 23 09:46:06 PDT 2023

My apologies for the links in the previous email, below are the full links to the public review documents.

Links for Review Documents:

  1.  Tables with Proposed Changes: https://www.oregon.gov/geo/FIT%20Documents/2023_FW_Inventory_PubRevDraft_Tables.pdf
  2.  Summary and Methodology: https://www.oregon.gov/geo/FIT%20Documents/2023_FW_Inventory_PubRevDraft_Methods.pdf
  3.  Comment Log: https://www.oregon.gov/geo/FIT%20Documents/2023_FW_Inventory_PubRev_CommentLog.xlsx

[Enterprise Information Services logo]
Melissa Foltz
Geospatial Data Governance Coordinator
Enterprise Information Services
Data Governance and Transparency
Cell: (971) 375-6986
"Ensuring accessible, reliable and secure state technology systems that serve Oregonians."

From: FOLTZ Melissa * DAS
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2023 9:01 AM
To: 'gpl_list (gpl_list at listsmart.osl.state.or.us)' <gpl_list at omls.oregon.gov>; Address FIT Listserv <address_fit at omls.oregon.gov>; Admin Boundaries FIT Listserv <admin_boundaries_fit at omls.oregon.gov>; Bioscience FIT Listserv <bio_fit at omls.oregon.gov>; Climate FIT Listserv <climate_fit at omls.oregon.gov>; Coastal and Marine Listserv <coastalmarine at omls.oregon.gov>; Elevation FIT Listserv <fit-elevation at omls.oregon.gov>; FIT Listserv <fit at omls.oregon.gov>; Geodetic Control FIT Listserv <geodetic-fit at omls.oregon.gov>; Geoscience Listserv <geoscience_fit at omls.oregon.gov>; Hazards Listserv <hazards-fit at omls.oregon.gov>; Hydro FIT Listserv <hydro-fit at omls.oregon.gov>; Imagery FIT Listserv <orthoimagery at omls.oregon.gov>; Land Use/Land Cover FIT Listserv <lulc_fit at omls.oregon.gov>; Prep FIT Listserv <preparedness-fit at omls.oregon.gov>; Transportation FIT Listserv <fit-trans at omls.oregon.gov>; Utilities FIT Listserv <utilities_fit at omls.oregon.gov>
Subject: REMINDER: Framework Inventory Public Review Comments Due June 30th

The Framework Inventory has been out for Public Review throughout the month of June, with the final week for comments approaching this will be your final reminder to submit comments by Friday, June 30th. The review period is open to the public at large, please feel free to forward to anyone who may have interest.  All comments are appreciated.

Review Documents:

  1.  Tables with Proposed Changes<1.%09https:/www.oregon.gov/geo/FIT%20Documents/2023_FW_Inventory_PubRevDraft_Tables.pdf>
  2.  Summary and Methodology<1.%09https:/www.oregon.gov/geo/FIT%20Documents/2023_FW_Inventory_PubRevDraft_Methods.pdf>
  3.  Comment Log<1.%09https:/www.oregon.gov/geo/FIT%20Documents/2023_FW_Inventory_PubRev_CommentLog.xlsx>

To submit Comments:
Step 1. Review Public Review Documents (Tables and Methodology).
Step 2. Download Comment Log.
Step 3. Compile all comments, questions, or concerns in a single spreadsheet. Being as descriptive as possible, log only one comment per row. Use as many rows as needed.
Step 4. Email Comment Log excel file to Melissa Foltz, Framework Program Coordinator (Melissa.Foltz at DAS.Oregon.gov<mailto:Melissa.Foltz at DAS.Oregon.gov>).

Comments must be received by midnight of June 30, 2023.

[Enterprise Information Services logo]
Melissa Foltz
Geospatial Data Governance Coordinator
Enterprise Information Services
Data Governance and Transparency
Cell: (971) 375-6986
"Ensuring accessible, reliable and secure state technology systems that serve Oregonians."

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