NEWS RELEASE: Avakian Statement on Passage of CTE Plan
Bob Estabrook
bob.estabrook at
Tue Jun 21 15:49:00 PDT 2011
Press Statement
For Immediate Distribution
June 21, 2011
CONTACT: Bob Estabrook, 503-709-0730
Avakian Praises Plan to Rebuild Career and Technical Education
Labor Commissioner thanks legislators, coalition for expanding CTE options in Oregon public schools
SALEM – The Oregon State Senate today joined the House in giving final, unanimous approval to House Bill 3362B, State Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian’s priority legislation to reinvigorate career and technical education (CTE) in Oregon public schools. Avakian, head of the Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) and Oregon’s Apprenticeship and Training Division Division, had this to say on passage of the popular proposal:
“Enacting this plan, after years of back-and-forth and competing ideas, is really a testament to the broad, diverse coalition that has come together around this issue and created so much momentum. The contributions of educators, business people, labor unions and other local partners to a few existing programs have set the stage for this important reinvestment in career and technical education, and have shown us how to build very successful programs with very limited resources. I'm honored to have worked with such a large, committed coalition of Democrats, Republicans and independents--all of whom recognized the fundamental importance of applied, skills-based CTE for our kids. The legislature’s reinvestment in CTE at this critical time will help build the competitive workforce that Oregon needs for a thriving economy in coming years.”
Additional information about HB 3362B, the importance of career technical education and the coalition of supporters can be found here. The bill now goes to Governor Kitzhaber for his signature.
The mission of the Bureau of Labor and Industries is to protect employment rights, advance employment opportunities, and protect access to housing and public accommodations free from discrimination.
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