NEWS RELEASE: Revitalizing Career and Technical Education Becomes a Shared Priority in Salem
Kate Newhall
kate.newhall at
Wed Mar 23 13:46:55 PDT 2011
Bureau of Labor and Industries
Commissioner Brad Avakian
Press Release
For Immediate Distribution
March 23, 2011
CONTACT: Kate Newhall, 503-467-1665
Revitalizing Career and Technical Education Becomes a Shared Priority
in Salem
House Education Committee takes up bipartisan legislation to strengthen
our workforce
PORTLAND – Bipartisan legislation to revitalize and enhance Career and
Technical Education (CTE) in Oregon’s middle schools and high schools
took center stage in Salem today. A broad coalition of businesses,
labor unions, trade associations, educators, and legislators from both
parties came together to discuss the importance of CTE to Oregon’s
economic future, and the House Education Committee held its first public
hearing on the coalition’s bill (HB 3362).
“Oregon’s economic health is fundamentally linked to the availability
of a skilled workforce,” said Bureau of Labor and Industries
Commissioner Brad Avakian. “One of the best ways to strengthen our
workforce is to revitalize Career and Technical Education programs so
students can develop the practical skills that Oregon employers are
consistently demanding.”
HB 3362, which already has 59 co-sponsors in the Oregon Legislature,
would jump-start the revitalization of CTE in Oregon’s middle schools
and high schools by: (1) establishing a grant program to fund the
restoration and expansion of CTE classes, (2) facilitating the formation
of future skill centers and CTE-focused charters, (3) requiring
inter-agency coordination on CTE issues, and (4) fostering CTE
partnerships between public schools, community colleges, universities,
businesses and unions.
“This bill is bringing Oregonians together across party lines because
it will achieve goals we all share,” said Representative Sal Esquivel
(R-Medford). “It will equip our students to compete for high-wage jobs
in high-growth industries, and it will provide our businesses with the
highly skilled workers they need to continue or expand their operations
here in Oregon.”
HB 3362 will also help Oregon’s long-term budget outlook. The State
of Washington reports that every dollar invested in secondary CTE
programs earns the state $7.10 in revenue.
“Investing in Career and Technical Education today will pay big
dividends in the future by keeping more homegrown businesses in Oregon,
attracting new businesses to the state, and creating more good jobs for
our workers – all of which helps our state’s bottom line,” said
Representative Michael Dembrow (D-Portland). “In short, this bill is a
win for Oregon’s students, a win for Oregon’s businesses, and a win for
Oregon’s economy.”
The mission of the Bureau of Labor and Industries is to protect
employment rights,
advance employment opportunities, and protect access to housing and
public accommodations free from discrimination.
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