Information Columns for Oregon Employers

Bob Estabrook bob.estabrook at
Thu Oct 20 11:46:33 PDT 2011

Please route to business/employer and/or state/local government editors.
Attached are advice columns drafted by the Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) Technical Assistance for Employers Program (TA) for this week and last week.  They deal with veterans' preference in public employment, which is a potentially tricky issue that state and local government agencies must navigate.  These are the first and second installments in a series of three columns, with the upcoming third column to address additional/new questions.
The attached columns are examples of what is a regular service available from TA: educational information for employers, public and private, on issues that they face in their workplaces and particularly the laws with which they must comply.  Several Oregon news outlets regularly carry information from TA, and we plan to begin sending it to our general statewide list of media contacts.  If there is a specific email address where you would like this type of information sent, please notify me by reply email.  If there are particular topics you would like to see covered by the expert trainers from BOLI TA, please send those suggestions as well.  For additional examples, check out
Thank you for your assistance in getting valuable information out to Oregon employers!
Bob Estabrook
Office of the Commissioner
Oregon Bureau of Labor & Industries
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