NEWS RELEASE - CTE Grant Committee to Begin Work
Bob Estabrook
bob.estabrook at
Thu Sep 22 16:53:09 PDT 2011
Press Release
For Immediate Distribution
September 22, 2011
CONTACTS: Bob Estabrook, 503-709-0730
Crystal Greene, 503-947-5650
CTE Grant Committee to Begin Its Work
First awards from new grant fund to be made this spring
PORTLAND- State Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian and State Schools
Superintendent Susan Castillo today announced their appointees and
co-chairs of the Career and Technical Education Revitalization Advisory
Committee (CTERAC), the key voices who will help them administer the $2
million dedicated to CTE restoration by the Oregon legislature earlier
this year (
). CTERAC holds its first public meeting, concentrating on
organizational matters, on Thursday, September 29, 2011, from 9am to 3pm
in Room 243 of the State Capitol.
The 12 members of CTERAC, appointed jointly by Avakian and Castillo,
are drawn from the Oregon Legislature, organized labor, the business
community and trade organizations, and education professionals from
various backgrounds. They include:
Jon Chandler of the Oregon Homebuilders Association, CTERAC Co-Chair
Ginger Redlinger of Clackamas Academy of Industrial Sciences, CTERAC
Andrew Beyer of Lease Crutcher Lewis
Barbara Byrd of the Oregon AFL-CIO
Colin Cameron of the Confederation of Oregon School Administrators
Rep. Kevin Cameron, Ore. House Republican Leader
Sen. Diane Rosenbaum, Ore. Senate Majority Leader
Mark Elston of Hampton Lumber
Penny Grotting of Malheur Education Service District
Brian Krieg of the Sheet Metal Contractors Association
John Mohlis of the Oregon State Building and Construction Trades
Duella Scott-Hull, retired Coos Bay School District educator
“This is an exciting time for career and technical education in Oregon,”
Avakian said. “We have work to do, thanks to years of disinvestment in
CTE, but we have a concrete plan to get on the right track: maximizing
the return on public dollars through partnerships with labor and
drawing on existing models of success and establishing a framework to
bring high-quality CTE options that teach emerging or in-demand job
skills to every student in Oregon.”
“The members of the CTE committee bring a tremendous breadth and depth
of knowledge and experience to this project,” Castillo said. “I thank
all of them for their past contributions to CTE in Oregon and look
forward to the impact that they will have in building a strong
foundation for future generations of Oregon students and workers.”
CTERAC, administered by the Oregon Department of Education and Oregon’s
Bureau of Labor and Industries, will award grants to successful
applicants in spring 2012, with funds to be disbursed for the 2012-13
school year. Committee members will advise the Labor Commissioner and
Superintendent on rules and policy regarding the grant application
process and award criteria. Oregonians interested in following the
committee’s work, which is open to the public, can join the secure “CTE
Grants” email list at
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