From bob.estabrook at Tue Jul 3 10:25:47 2012 From: bob.estabrook at (Estabrook Bob) Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2012 17:25:47 +0000 Subject: NEWS RELEASE: BOLI Employer Assistance Offers New Supervisor Training Message-ID: <050F2D1BA8177F4B927C6F3AC041EF82BA3AD0@D5DAG1A.D5.USA.NET> Press Release For Immediate Distribution July 3, 2012 CONTACT: Bob Estabrook, 503-709-0730 BOLI Employer Assistance Offers New Supervisor Training Multi-session training course covers all the basics of supervising workers in Oregon PORTLAND- Oregon employers have another reason to tap the Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) for assistance: the ?New Supervisor Training Series,? which teaches participants everything they need to know to take on supervisory or management roles in Oregon workplaces. The six month, one-half-day-per-month program covers all aspects of managing a team of employees according to the law?from fundamentals of handling protected leave time to coaching and motivating less-productive employees. ?The one day a month classes have been easy to schedule, and they help put the information into manageable pieces,? said Jennifer Hendricks of Inn Sight Hotel Management Group, a Supervisor Series graduate. ?I felt like I could start using something new after every class, and I feel even more confident as a supervisor now.? ?Capitalizing on the potential of a great workforce requires great supervision and management,? said BOLI Commissioner Brad Avakian, who has made employer support a high priority for the agency. ?BOLI is offering this training because it?s best for both workers and employers when the law is followed properly the first time?this is a smart investment in prevention of legal costs down the road.? BOLI?s Technical Assistance for Employers Program provides training for employers and managers at all levels, from supervisors to CEOs. Most seminars focus on understanding specific legal requirements?such as civil rights laws or protected leave provisions?but the program also offers customized training as well as the New Supervisor Training Series, which will run parallel sessions, totaling 18 hours over six months, in Portland and Salem. The Salem series will provide additional insights for public sector employers like local governments and state agencies, although neither set of classes is limited to one type of employer. Specific details of the class and registration information are available at Visit for more information about all of BOLI?s work to support employers, the workforce and a stronger economy. ###### The mission of the Bureau of Labor and Industries is to protect employment rights, advance employment opportunities, and protect access to housing and public accommodations free from discrimination. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: 07.03.12_BOLI_Release_-_New_New_Supervisors.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 30017 bytes Desc: 07.03.12_BOLI_Release_-_New_New_Supervisors.pdf URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: 07.03.12_BOLI_Release_-_New_New_Supervisors.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 30017 bytes Desc: 07.03.12_BOLI_Release_-_New_New_Supervisors.pdf URL: From kate.newhall at Tue Jul 3 12:52:06 2012 From: kate.newhall at (Newhall Kate) Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2012 19:52:06 +0000 Subject: NEWS RELEASE: Avakian Joins Merkley in Promoting Energy Independence Message-ID: <19DDC6F93AAFFB45AC1F60E324C0C79535C07B@D5DAG1A.D5.USA.NET> Press Release For Immediate Distribution July 3, 2012 CONTACT: Bob Estabrook, 503-709-0730 Avakian Joins Merkley in Promoting Energy Independence Labor Commissioner calls clean energy workforce a natural fit for Oregon COTTAGE GROVE- Oregon Labor and Industries Commissioner Brad Avakian today joined U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley (D-Oregon) in spotlighting the all-female engineering class of Cottage Grove High School students that have been assembling an all-electric vehicle and training the young women for high-skill jobs. Members of the class met with Avakian and Merkley at an electric vehicle charging station just off I-5 in Cottage Grove, where the Senator was stopping on his cross-state drive to emphasize energy independence for Independence Day. "Energy independence and the clean energy economy require highly-skilled local workers to build and maintain our infrastructure," Avakian said, describing his role in advocating for and winning a major expansion of the state's investment in 21st century shop classes. "The experience that these talented young people have received is what we need to see in all Oregon middle and high schools, to really start developing the workforce that can build us out of our energy depenancy. I hope the next career step for them will be one of the registered apprenticeship programs that I oversee as Labor Commissioner and that are right now training highly-skilled renewable energy workers for our state." Avakian's leadership in 2011 brought $2 million in new state support to career and technical education options in public schools. He is expected to pursue an even larger investment of state resources in 2013, allowing the grant fund to support even more new and expanded programs in the next biennium. "If we're going to have a middle-class in America, we need to make things in America," said Sen. Merkley. "To create these living wage jobs we need a new generation of people with the appropriate skills and training. It was great to see students at Cottage Grove High School getting hands-on engineering experience and even cooler that it was building an electric vehicle. I want to thank Brad for his leadership in opening up career options for Oregon youth." Visit for more information about all of BOLI's work to support employers, the workforce and a stronger Oregon economy. ###### The mission of the Bureau of Labor and Industries is to protect employment rights, advance employment opportunities, and protect access to housing and public accommodations free from discrimination. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From bob.estabrook at Fri Jul 20 14:44:16 2012 From: bob.estabrook at (Estabrook Bob) Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2012 21:44:16 +0000 Subject: NEWS RELEASE: Avakian Calls Girls Construction Camp "Invaluable" to Workforce Message-ID: <050F2D1BA8177F4B927C6F3AC041EF82BAC4CA@D5DAG1A.D5.USA.NET> [Description: BOLI_logo_blackBIT] Commissioner Brad Avakian Bureau of Labor & Industries Press Release For Immediate Distribution July 20, 2012 CONTACT: Bob Estabrook, 503-709-0730 Avakian Calls Girls Construction Camp "Invaluable" to Workforce Week-long camps hosted by Oregon Tradeswomen empower 95 local girls this summer PORTLAND-As they wrapped up a week of learning about construction careers in the construction industry and some basic skills used in these trades, 40 middle school-age girls from the Metro Area received a visit from one of Oregon's workforce development leaders: Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian, who runs the state Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) and heads the Oregon State Apprenticeship and Training Council. The BOLI-ODOT Highway Workforce Development Program has contracted for two such camps over the next two years to raise awareness and promote opportunities for young women to access the living wage career path of a skilled trades worker. Non-profit Oregon Tradeswomen, Inc. (OTI), runs four "Building Girls Summer Camps" each year. "Programs like those offered by OTI are invaluable to our state's workforce," Avakian told the girls, their parents and OTI staff. "Oregon needs to do two things immediately: create more opportunities for young people to get hands-on training and job skills so they're ready for the workforce sooner, and end wage discrimination to make equal pay for equal work a reality in Oregon. By bringing more young women into the living wage jobs of the construction trades, working on our economically vital highways and bridges, OTI is with me on the front line for both priorities." The Building Girls Summer Construction Camp is a day camp for middle and high school girls to learn construction basics in a fun environment. Girls learn basic math and measurement, construction basics (such as measuring wood, using a skill saw, and hammering nails), how to safely and properly use hand and power tools, and other building skills. The week of camp includes visits to construction sites, teamwork, and project planning and culminates in a cooperative building project. This summer, the girls have built a playhouse structure which is being donated to the Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization (IRCO). "With the addition of the BOLI-ODOT contract, we have 95 middle- and high-school girls participating in our construction camps this year," said Connie Ashbrook, Executive Director of OTI. "Commissioner Avakian's emphasis on job skills training for all young Oregonians is a great support for our mission." Visit for more information about all of BOLI's work to promote employment opportunities throughout Oregon. ###### The mission of the Bureau of Labor and Industries is to protect employment rights, advance employment opportunities, and protect access to housing and public accommodations free from discrimination. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image001.png Type: image/png Size: 11418 bytes Desc: image001.png URL: From bob.estabrook at Tue Jul 24 14:45:41 2012 From: bob.estabrook at (Estabrook Bob) Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2012 21:45:41 +0000 Subject: EVENT NOTICE: Education Town Hall TONIGHT in Eugene Message-ID: <050F2D1BA8177F4B927C6F3AC041EF82BAD578@D5DAG1A.D5.USA.NET> [Don't Miss This Opportunity Comm. Avakian is set to join State Rep. Phil Barnhart and a panel of local experts to discuss Partnerships in Education at a town hall meeting in Eugene TONIGHT. What: Discussion of exciting Partnerships in Education that can benefit Oregon students now and in the future. Where: U of O School of Law, Room 175 - 1515 Agate St. Eugene, OR 97403 When: 6:30 to 8:30pm on Tuesday, July 24; doors open at 6pm. Comm. Avakian will talk about the impact of new career and technical education grants, two of which went to Lane County school districts, and the big picture for building new opportunities in public education as the 2013 Legislative Session approaches. Bring a friend and your questions-and click here for more information about the event!] Bob Estabrook Communications Director [Description: BOLI_logo_signature] Direct: 971-673-0788 Cell: 503-709-0730 Bob.Estabrook at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... 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