NEWS RELEASE: Avakian Keeps Close Tabs on Oregon Workforce

Estabrook Bob bob.estabrook at
Wed Jun 13 16:26:32 PDT 2012

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Commissioner Brad Avakian
Bureau of Labor & Industries

Press Release
For Immediate Distribution
June 13, 2012
CONTACT: Bob Estabrook, 503-709-0730

Avakian Keeps Close Tabs on Oregon Workforce
Visit to Iron Workers Training Center offers another view of jobs in Oregon

PORTLAND-Oregon Labor and Industries Commissioner Brad Avakian today toured one of the facilities that trains the apprentices registered by the state Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI), which Avakian leads, seeing first-hand how Iron Workers Local 29 is training the workers needed to fill a shortage of workers that has been delayed but not solved by the recession.  Avakian, who has become a statewide champion for high-wage careers that don't require a college degree, talked with instructors and apprentices during his visit and was especially impressed at the enthusiasm of the apprentices.

"Oregon needs skilled workers and through our apprenticeship programs, we're combining skill training with time on-the-job, making a living wage," Avakian said.  "The workforce that is going to build Oregon's new and prosperous economy is being trained right now in state-of-the-art facilities like this one."

As Labor and Industries Commissioner, Avakian has championed career pathways from "21st century shop classes" in our schools to apprenticeships that are run by local committees of workers and employers.  Avakian's fight to reinvest in career education for students recently brought almost $2 million in new support<> to 21 schools around the state.  At the same time, Avakian is keeping the focus on successful training for adult workers that keeps them learning and earning a living wage at the same time.

"Brad's focus on apprenticeships is important to individuals as well as to our state's economy," said Kevin Jensen, Business Manager for Iron Workers Local 29.  "Giving 6,200 Oregonians a chance to learn skills and earn good wages at the same time is huge in a tough economy."

Overseeing the state's Apprenticeship and Training Division at BOLI and chairing the Oregon Staten Apprenticeship and Training Council, the Labor and Industries Commissioner plays a major role in Oregon's workforce development system.  To learn more about BOLI and apprenticeship in Oregon, visit<> and<>.


The mission of the Bureau of Labor and Industries is to protect employment rights, advance employment opportunities, and protect access to housing and public accommodations free from discrimination.

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