NEWS RELEASE: Avakian Touts Improved Civil Rights Complaint Process
Estabrook Bob
bob.estabrook at
Wed Jun 27 13:15:46 PDT 2012
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Commissioner Brad Avakian
Bureau of Labor & Industries
Press Release
For Immediate Distribution
June 27, 2012
CONTACT: Bob Estabrook, 503-709-0730
Avakian Touts Improved Civil Rights Complaint Process
Recent improvements are good for both workers and employers
PORTLAND- Oregon Labor and Industries Commissioner Brad Avakian said today that he is committed to giving all Oregonians, from workers and employers to housing seekers and property owners, swifter resolution of civil rights disputes. Avakian, speaking before a joint meeting of Oregon's Commissions on Asian Affairs, Black Affairs and Hispanic Affairs and for Women, said recent process improvements will increase responsiveness and save resources for both respondents and the agency. Avakian's changes integrate the intake and investigation processes, allowing an earlier, more critical evaluation of the quality of a case. Closing weaker cases sooner will also bring more investigative resources to bear on complex or especially significant cases.
"The first concern of the Bureau of Labor and Industries is always going to be the Oregonians who need our help in resolving a dispute-and the faster we can resolve it, the better for everyone involved," Avakian said. "As we identify egregious cases of civil rights violations and fast track them for prosecution, we will likewise identify cases that are not prosecutable and close them sooner. The best way to support Oregon's workforce and economy is to crack down on employers who don't follow the rules and make sure that good employers aren't racking up unnecessary legal costs."
Oregon's Civil Rights Division receives about 2,000 formal complaints of discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations each year, with about 150 closing each month. Under the new processing guidelines, 686 cases were closed in March, April and May of this year. The increase, about 75 more closures per month, not only allows reallocation of agency resources but will save Oregon businesses significant legal and personnel costs.
"During my four years as Labor and Industries Commissioner, we've put about $14.5 million in settlements and damage awards into the hands of Oregonians who were treated unfairly," Avakian noted. "Evolving our process in this way will mean we keep the pressure on bad actors while giving more peace of mind to Oregonians and the businesses that are following the rules."
Visit<> for more information about all of BOLI's work to protect workplaces, housing and public accommodations in Oregon from unlawful practices.
The mission of the Bureau of Labor and Industries is to protect employment rights, advance employment opportunities, and protect access to housing and public accommodations free from discrimination.
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