PRESS RELEASE- Avakian highlights hands-on learning in visit with local students

Bob Estabrook bob.estabrook at
Tue Mar 6 12:25:23 PST 2012

Press Release
For Immediate Distribution
March 6, 2012
CONTACT: Bob Estabrook, 503-709-0730
Avakian highlights hands-on learning 
in visit with local students
Roundtable discussion spotlights Corvallis’ success, growing
CORVALLIS—Local education officials and community partners sat down
with Oregon Labor and Industries Commissioner Brad Avakian today for a
roundtable discussion on the importance of Career and Technical
Education (CTE).  
The group, meeting at IBEW Local 280’s TrainingCenterin Tangent,
discussed the successful model used in Corvallis, the state’s new
CTERevitalization Grant Fund that Avakian helped to create, and the next
steps in bringing these critical learning opportunities to other
Oregonstudents. The Corvallisprogram has been the successful result of
BOLI’s high-school integration initiative and gives students from
Corvallis, CrescentValley, and College Hill High Schools real-world
training experience, practicing hands-on skill development.
“We can partner with local businesses, labor unions and others for
equipment and expertise to rapidly broaden vocational education options,”
Avakian explained, emphasizing the success of Corvallis’ collaborative
efforts and how neighboring school districts are following that example.
 “Oregonbusinesses and labor unions consistently tell me they’re ready
and willing to help, and now that the state is starting to match their
efforts we’re in a very strong position.”
As Labor and Industries Commissioner, Avakian has championed expanded
vocational education hands-on learning for middle and high school
students, he has empowered Oregonians to join the skilled workforce at a
younger age, and he has ensured that Oregonemployers will have an
available workforce trained with the appropriate skills.  Creation of a
statewide grant fund in 2011 marked a major win for the coalition
Avakian built in support of vocational education and will allow for the
expansion of successful programs and the establishment of new ones in
communities around the state.
“Career Technical Education is a sound investment with a high rate of
return,” Avakian noted.  “With hand-on learning and exposure to
real-world training, we can increase engagement in learning for all
levels of students, increase graduation rates, and lay the foundation
for a highly skilled, internationally competitive workforce.”
“With a good state policy in place, we can capitalize on the potential
of our students, teachers and community partners to build the 21st
Century workforce that will drive Oregon’s economic prosperity.” 
The mission of the Bureau of Labor and Industries is to protect
employment rights, advance employment opportunities, and protect access
to housing and public accommodations free from discrimination.
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