NEWS RELEASE: Diverse group of Oregonians will help direct career and technical education investment

Burr, Charlie charlie.burr at
Thu Jul 18 08:45:45 PDT 2013

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Press release
For immediate release
July 18, 2013
Contact:               Charlie Burr, BOLI, (971) 673-0788
                                Crystal Greene, ODE, (503) 947-5650

Diverse group of Oregonians will help direct career and technical education investment
"A highly skilled workforce is central to Oregon's economic competitiveness," says Avakian

PORTLAND, OR-Oregon Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian and Oregon Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction Rob Saxton today announced appointees to the Career and Technical Education Revitalization Advisory Committee that will support grant selection for the Legislature's $7.5 million investment in career and technical education (CTE) programs.

"Oregon's competitiveness is fundamentally linked to the availability of a skilled workforce," said Avakian. "I appreciate this diverse group of Oregonians lending their time and talents to the restoration of shop classes that were once a staple of Oregon middle schools and high schools."

The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) and Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) jointly appointed committee members, including representatives from organized labor, trade organizations, education, and Oregon's business community.

The 2013 Career and Technical Education Revitalization Advisory Committee:

Andrew Beyer, Lease Crutcher Lewis
Jon Chandler, Oregon Homebuilders Association
Sherry Cole, CTE Regional Coordinator - Baker, Union, Grant, Wallowa Counties
Dirk Dirksen, Morrow County School District
Dan Findley, Portland Community College
Cheri Helt, Bend-LaPine School District
Brian Krieg, Sheet Metal Contractors Association
Jim Mabbott, Oregon Association of Education Service Districts
John Mohlis, Oregon State Building and Construction Trades Council
John Morris, Fluid Market Strategies
Salam Noor, Salem-Keizer School District
Joe Nunn, Project Clean Slate
Lori Pankratz, Oregon CTE Student Leadership Foundation
John Steach, Canby School District
Dave Vernier, Vernier Technologies
Judith Woodruff, Independent Consultant

In 2012, the legislature directed resources to bring back shop and vocational programs to 21 middle and high schools around the state. During the 2013 Oregon Legislative Session, Senate Majority Leader Diane Rosenbaum and Rep. Michael Dembrow sponsored and passed legislation (SB 498) that nearly quadrupled the initial investment to extend hands-on learning to more Oregon students.

"High-quality career and technical education programs provide students with opportunities to explore possible future careers and gain valuable real-word, hands-on experience while in high school," said Deputy Superintendent Rob Saxton.  "As we strive to prepare all of our students for college and career success, expanding CTE programs - and creating stronger connections to the world of work - is a critical component. These grants provide our school with an opportunity to take the work they are already doing to the next level and I look forward to a highly competitive and highly rewarding CTE grant process.

The advisory committee will convene Tuesday, July 23, 2013 to set goals and criteria for proposals due later this year. Based on last year's response, administrators anticipate strong interest from schools and community partners around the state.

A summary of the previous grant proposals recipients can be found at<>.


Charlie Burr
Communications Director
Bureau of Labor and Industries
800 NE Oregon St., Ste. 1045
Portland, OR 97232-2180
(971) 673-0788 wk.
(503) 913-5407 cell.

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