NEWS RELEASE: Same-sex couple files civil rights complaint against Broadway Cab

Burr, Charlie charlie.burr at
Thu Sep 5 16:53:26 PDT 2013

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Press Release
For Immediate Release
Sept. 5, 2013
CONTACT: Charlie Burr, (971) 673-0788

Same-sex couple files civil rights complaint against Broadway Cab
"We are committed to a fair, through investigation," says Labor Commissioner Avakian

Portland, OR-A same-sex couple has filed an anti-discrimination complaint with the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) against Broadway Cab for allegedly refusing service based on sexual orientation.

BOLI will conduct an investigation to determine if the business violated the Oregon Equality Act of 2007 protecting the rights of gays, lesbians, bisexual and transgender Oregonians in employment, housing and public places.

Under Oregon law, Oregonians cannot be denied service based on sexual orientation. The law provides an exemption for religious organizations and schools, but does not allow private business owners to discriminate based on sexual orientation, just as they cannot legally deny service based on race, sex, age, disability or religion.

The Broadway Cab filing represents the 12th complaints of unlawful discrimination in public places under the 2007 equality law. After the agency's investigations, BOLI found no substantial evidence in five of the complaints. Parties negotiated settlements in three cases, with another case (Sweet Cakes) still being reviewed by BOLI investigators.  In total, the agency has received 182 Oregon Equality Act employment, housing and public accommodations complaints, finding no substantial evidence in 103 of the investigations.

"Each case is unique. We're committed to a thorough and impartial investigation to determine whether there's substantial evidence of unlawful discrimination," said Oregon Labor Commissioner Avakian. "For businesses seeking to navigate Oregon's equality law, we can help them navigate this and other civil rights laws so that they can avoid potential violations in the first place."

BOLI investigations are statutorily required to conclude within a year. If investigators find substantial evidence, the bureau may bring formal charges if parties cannot reach a settlement through conciliation. The case then moves to the Administrative Prosecution Unit, responsible for processing the contested civil rights division cases pursuant to the Administrative Procedures Act (APA) and BOLI contested case hearing rules.

Copies of the complaint are available upon request. For more information about BOLI's efforts to protect workplaces and support Oregon employers, visit


Charlie Burr
Communications Director
Bureau of Labor and Industries
800 NE Oregon St., Ste. 1045
Portland, OR 97232-2180
(971) 673-0788 wk.
(503) 913-5407 cell.
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