NEWS RELEASE: Major investment in career technical education will expand hands-on learning to 140 schools

Burr, Charlie charlie.burr at
Tue Jan 7 08:30:13 PST 2014

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Press release
For immediate release
January 07, 2013
Contact:               Charlie Burr, BOLI, (971) 673-0788
                                Crystal Greene, ODE, (503) 947-5650

Major investment in career technical education will expand hands-on learning to 140 schools
"A highly skilled workforce is central to Oregon's economic competitiveness," says Avakian
PORTLAND, OR-In a major expansion of career readiness investment, 140 Oregon middle schools and high schools - serving more than 90,000 students - will receive Career and Technical Education (CTE) Revitalization Grants totaling $8.87 million, Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian and Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction Rob Saxton announced today.
The CTE Revitalization Grant funds will benefit students, schools and local employers around the state in fields such as health care, advanced manufacturing, construction, engineering, agriculture, renewable energy technology and more.

"Oregon's competitiveness is fundamentally linked to the availability of a skilled workforce," said Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian. "This is a huge win for students and our ability to support well-paying jobs around the state. Today's announcement represents the most significant investment in career education and hands-on learning in a generation. More students will have access to 21st century shop classes and applied science, technology, engineering and mathematics instruction as a result."

The applied learning of CTE programs helps develop both academic and technical skills and contributes to a rich and relevant learning experience. Graduation rates for students in CTE programs are near 90 percent, according to the National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium.

"As we strive to meet our state's 40-40-20 goals and better prepare our students for college and career, strong programs in Career and Technical Education are essential," said Deputy Superintendent Rob Saxton. "This year's CTE Revitalization Grants will fund hands-on, applied learning opportunities in 140 schools all around our state and will help more of our students graduate with the skills they will need to succeed in higher education and the workforce."
The CTE Revitalization Advisory Committee - comprised of representatives from organized labor, trade organizations, education and Oregon's business community - reviewed 62 applications totaling $21.6 million in requests. A diverse coalition of advocates will seek to refill the grant fund during the 2014 Oregon legislative session as part of the larger effort to ensure that every middle school and high school has access to high-quality and engaging CTE programs.
The grants build on an earlier investment by the 2011 Legislature to bring back vocational programs to 21 middle schools and high schools with an initial investment of $2 million (HB 3362). During the 2013 Oregon legislative session, a bipartisan coalition sponsored and passed legislation (SB 498) that quadrupled the initial investment to extend hands-on learning to more Oregon students.
The grant advisory committee prioritized geographic diversity and strong community partnerships with local employers in its selection of grants. In total, the 24 funded programs will leverage more than $2.6 million in matching funds from community and business partners. The business partnerships also ensure that career readiness education matches the greatest need in high wage, high growth fields.

One-third of all grant-funded projects are located in non-metropolitan Oregon counties. A map of grant-funded programs can be found here<>.

Program Name


Beaverton SD

CTE Excellence through Innovation in the Beaverton SD


Bend-LaPine SD

Engineering the Future of Power and Energy


Centennial SD

Centennial SD CTE Revitalization Grant


Clackamas ESD

Revitalization of Clackamas County Manufacturing Programs: Creating Capacity to Meet Manufacturing Workforce Needs


Enterprise SD

Enterprise High School Industrial Arts and Manufacturing and Engineering Program (IAMEP) Revitalization


Grant ESD

Eastern Oregon Regional Construction Hub


John Day SD

Grant Union Metal Fabrication and Technology Project


Gresham-Barlow SD

Students @ Work:  Building Capacity, Building Connections


Hermiston SD

Columbia Basin Homebuilders Program


Hood River SD

Hood River CTE Revitalization


Junction City SD

Manufacturing, Engineering, Construction and STEAM in Junction City:  College and Career Readiness for All Students


Lane ESD

Regional Healthcare Pathways: Innovation in Education


McMinnville SD

21st Century Skills Project


Oregon City SD

NexGen (Next Generation) Manufacturing


Philomath SD

Philomath HS's Manufacturing Technology Enhancement


Portland Public Schools

CTE and Career Pathways in Portland Public Schools


Redmond SD

Manufacturing the Future of Redmond


Reedsport SD

Junior Apprenticeship


Salem-Keizer SD

Getting Ready for Oregon's Workforce:  Construction/Design and Restaurant Management


Salem-Keizer SD

Steps to Oregon and America Revitalization: Public Safety and Restaurant Management


Sherwood SD

Digital Design and Fabrication: Collaborative FabLab Training Facility with a Mobile STEM FabLab


Sutherlin SD

Industry Partners + 21st Century Facilities = Student Success


Vernonia SD

Vernonia HS Career and Technical Education Program


Wallowa School District

Connecting Agriculture to Industry Careers


Grant funding to begin programs will be available this month.
The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) and Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) jointly appoint the Career and Technical Education Revitalization Advisory Committee. Additional information on grant criteria and summaries of the projects selected for this round of funding can be found at:

Charlie Burr
Communications Director
Bureau of Labor and Industries
800 NE Oregon St., Ste. 1045
Portland, OR 97232-2180
(971) 673-0788 wk.
(503) 913-5407 cell.

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