NEWS RELEASE: Avakian announces $2.4 million settlement in Daimler discrimination cases

Burr, Charlie charlie.burr at
Thu Jan 29 08:30:04 PST 2015

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January 29, 2015
CONTACT:           Charlie Burr, BOLI, (971) 673-0788

Avakian announces $2.4 million settlement in Daimler discrimination cases
Comprehensive compliance agreement will include trainings and monitoring

PORTLAND, OR-Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian today announced a comprehensive compliance and $2.4 million settlement agreement between Daimler Trucks North America, six former employees, and the Bureau of Labor and Industries stemming from civil rights complaints filed last year by employees at the Portland Truck Manufacturing Plant. The agreement also settles a Commissioner's Complaint filed against Daimler on behalf of the people of Oregon.
The settlement comes after BOLI investigators interviewed more than 60 current and former Daimler employees and supervisors and reviewed hundreds of documents pertaining to the North Portland facility's operations.
The agreement will compensate employees for damages and includes strong compliance measures to ensure a harassment and discrimination-free workplace for current and future employees. Non-monetary terms of the settlement include:

*         Installation of a civil rights complaint hotline for workers

*         Supervisor logbooks for any future incidents

*         Mandatory supervisor trainings conducted by BOLI or a BOLI-approved entity

*         Training for at least two designated managers to conduct internal investigations to address any future incidents

All logbooks and hotline recordings will be available to BOLI during the three year monitoring term of the agreement.

"Today's settlement sends a strong message that every Oregonian deserves a workplace free from discrimination," said Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian. "It's difficult for any worker to step forward in the face of a hostile work environment - and I'm pleased that our agency was able help the parties achieve a just and fair outcome. Throughout the investigation, Daimler fully cooperated with our investigators and took the issues seriously. This settlement and compliance agreement will put Daimler on stronger footing so that it can continue to contribute to our region's economy while providing equal opportunities for its current and future workforce."
The monetary settlement represents the largest in the history of BOLI's Civil Rights Division.  The $2.4 million will be divided between complainants Harold Lathan, Terence Edwards, Ron Burley, Sean Tomkin, Leneld Hammond, Kerry Barker, and includes complainant attorney fees and a fund for future complaints.
Under the terms of the settlement, each future complaint received that's potentially eligible for the fund will be reviewed and verified by BOLI prior to the payment of any monetary award.

Five additional complainants have withdrawn their complaints against Daimler and stated their intention to go to civil court.

Oregon law empowers the labor commissioner to file a complaint on behalf of the people of Oregon when the commissioner has reason to believe an unlawful practice, such as employment discrimination based on race or national origin, has occurred. The Daimler complaint is the sixth Commissioner's Complaint filed by Avakian.
Copies of the settlement agreement and civil rights complaints are public documents available upon request.

Visit<> for more information about all of BOLI's work to protect employment rights, advance employment opportunities, and protect access to housing and public accommodations free from discrimination.

Charlie Burr
Communications Director
Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries
800 NE Oregon Street, Suite 1045
Portland, Oregon  97232
Tel:  971-673-0788
Cell: 503-913-5407

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