From charlie.burr at  Wed Mar  2 13:04:50 2016
From: charlie.burr at (Burr, Charlie)
Date: Wed, 2 Mar 2016 21:04:50 +0000
Subject: NEWS RELEASE: BOLI Final Order debars Sellwood Bridge contractor,
	imposes civil penalties
Message-ID: <6376A41CAD6C3E4F8A65385BDA4072616E0117F8@D5DAG1B.D5.USA.NET>

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For Immediate Release
March 2, 2016
CONTACT: Charlie Burr, (971) 673-0788

BOLI Final Order debars Sellwood Bridge contractor, imposes civil penalties
Flagging firm and owner falsified records, failed to pay wages due

PORTLAND, OR-The Bureau of Labor and Industries has imposed more than $25,000 in civil penalties and made Tri-Star Flagging owner Evan Williams and additional business entities associated with him ineligible for public projects for three years, the agency announced today.

The violations occurred during construction work performed for the Sellwood Bridge replacement project.

The agency's Final Order<> includes civil penalties of $9,491.34 that stem from failure to pay prevailing wage rates to 13 workers on a public project and an additional $16,000 assessed for 16 inaccurate and falsified payroll records.

Prior to the Final Order issued on Friday, there were 66 companies and individuals listed on Oregon's debarment list<> of individuals and employers ineligible for public contracts.

Previously, the agency recovered $104,000 in fringe benefit wages for 37 Tri-Star employees who worked as flaggers on the project.

"It's critical that our investigators have access to accurate records during their investigation so that they can determine whether a violation occurred," said Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian. "Today's action will hold owner Evan Williams accountable and ensure that more companies associated with him are blocked from public contracts with the state."

The order adds Portland Flagging, LLC and AD Traffic Control Services, LLC to the list of companies associated with Williams that are ineligible to receive payment on public works projects.

Last month, Labor Commissioner filed a commissioner's complaint against Williams and his companies that alleges retaliation, threats of physical violence, and other unlawful employment practices against employees who filed wage claims.

Deputy Commissioner Christie Hammond issued today's Final Order.

Workers can file a civil rights complaint if they believe that they are being retaliated against by contacting the Civil Rights Division at crdemail at<mailto:crdemail at> or by calling (971) 673-0764.

Visit<> for more information about all of BOLI's work to protect employment rights, advance employment opportunities, and protect access to housing and public accommodations free from discrimination.

Charlie Burr
Communications Director
Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries
800 NE Oregon Street, Suite 1045
Portland, Oregon  97232
Tel:  971-673-0788

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From charlie.burr at  Wed Mar  2 14:15:17 2016
From: charlie.burr at (Burr, Charlie)
Date: Wed, 2 Mar 2016 22:15:17 +0000
Subject: CORRECTION: BOLI Final Order debars contractor Evan Williams,
	imposes civil penalties
Message-ID: <6376A41CAD6C3E4F8A65385BDA4072616E0118B2@D5DAG1B.D5.USA.NET>

[cid:image001.gif at 01D1748C.54B708E0]

For Immediate Release
March 2, 2016
CONTACT: Charlie Burr, (971) 673-0788

BOLI Final Order debars contractor Evan Williams, imposes civil penalties
Flagging firm and owner falsified records, failed to pay wages due

PORTLAND, OR-The Bureau of Labor and Industries has imposed more than $25,000 in civil penalties and made Tri-Star Flagging owner Evan Williams and additional business entities associated with him ineligible for public projects for three years, the agency announced today.

The violations occurred during construction work performed for a project in Milwaukie (SE Lake Rd:  Oatfield Rd). Previously, the agency recovered $104,000 in fringe benefit wages for 37 employees of Evan Williams' Tri-Star Flagging who worked as flaggers on the Sellwood Bridge project.

The agency's Final Order<> includes civil penalties of $9,491.34 that stem from failure to pay prevailing wage rates to 13 workers on a public project and an additional $16,000 assessed for 16 inaccurate and falsified payroll records.

Prior to the Final Order issued on Friday, there were 66 companies and individuals listed on Oregon's debarment list<> of individuals and employers ineligible for public contracts.

"It's critical that our investigators have access to accurate records during their investigation so that they can determine whether a violation occurred," said Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian. "Today's action will hold owner Evan Williams accountable and ensure that more companies associated with him are blocked from public contracts with the state."

The order adds Portland Flagging, LLC and AD Traffic Control Services, LLC to the list of companies associated with Williams that are ineligible to receive payment on public works projects.

Last month, Labor Commissioner filed a commissioner's complaint against Williams and his companies that alleges retaliation, threats of physical violence, and other unlawful employment practices against employees who filed wage claims.

Deputy Commissioner Christie Hammond issued last week's Final Order.

Workers can file a civil rights complaint if they believe that they are being retaliated against by contacting the Civil Rights Division at crdemail at or by calling (971) 673-0764.

Visit for more information about all of BOLI's work to protect employment rights, advance employment opportunities, and protect access to housing and public accommodations free from discrimination.

Charlie Burr
Communications Director
Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries
800 NE Oregon Street, Suite 1045
Portland, Oregon  97232
Tel:  971-673-0788
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From charlie.burr at  Thu Mar  3 12:58:14 2016
From: charlie.burr at (Burr, Charlie)
Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2016 20:58:14 +0000
Subject: NEWS RELEASE: Labor Commissioner Avakian praises wage theft
Message-ID: <6376A41CAD6C3E4F8A65385BDA4072616E011A8E@D5DAG1B.D5.USA.NET>

[cid:image001.gif at 01D17548.97EF42F0]

For Immediate Release
March 3, 2016
CONTACT: Charlie Burr, (971) 673-0788, Paloma Sparks, (541) 337-4740

Labor Commissioner Avakian statement on wage theft legislation

Portland, OR-Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian today issued the following statement on Senate Bill 1587<> upon its near-unanimous passage in the Oregon House of Representatives. The measure makes certain wage violations a Class C felony and authorizes the Bureau of Labor Industries' Wage and Hour Division to hire three new full-time Wage and Hour investigators.

This bill gives us new enforcement tools to hold corporations accountable and ensure that Oregonians are paid every dime they've earned - on time and in full.

Strong wage enforcement is critical for both working families and other employers who follow the rules and do right by their workers.

Today's action will help fight wage theft, including for those who will soon see a boost in their paychecks due to the much-needed increase to our state's minimum wage.

Our agency looks forward to adding new investigative positions to ensure fair enforcement of important workplace protections.

Senator Michael Dembrow served as chief sponsor of the legislation, which now head to Governor Kate Brown's desk where it awaits signature.

Recently, the bureau secured a $2.5 million wage enforcement settlement<$2.5%20million%20wage%20collection%20settlement.pdf> with Southern Oregon University, the largest in the agency's history. For more information about BOLI's efforts to support Oregon employers and protect Oregon's workforce, visit


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From charlie.burr at  Fri Mar 18 14:00:13 2016
From: charlie.burr at (Burr, Charlie)
Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2016 21:00:13 +0000
Subject: NEWS RELEASE: BOLI announces minimum wage rulemaking process  
Message-ID: <6376A41CAD6C3E4F8A65385BDA4072616E0149A4@D5DAG1B.D5.USA.NET>

[cid:image001.gif at 01D1811D.7EFCB3A0]

For Immediate Release
March 18, 2016
CONTACT: Charlie Burr, (971) 673-0788 or Paloma Sparks at (971) 673-0841

BOLI announces minimum wage rulemaking process for stakeholder input
Diverse committee will advise BOLI in rulemaking regarding how to determine an employer's location

PORTLAND, OR-The Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) will begin the rulemaking process for Oregon's new minimum wage law<> (SB 1532) in preparation for a July minimum wage increase, the agency announced today.

An advisory committee comprised of business associations, labor organizations, legislators, family policy advocates, and agricultural and farm sector representatives will assist BOLI in developing rules for determining an employer's location.

"Oregon's new minimum wage law will bring raises to hundreds of thousands of workers around the state," said Labor Commissioner Avakian. "I appreciate the willingness of this diverse committee to provide additional insight and expertise as our agency works to develop new minimum wage rules."

Passed by the 2016 Oregon Legislature, SB 1532 creates enacts a series of annual minimum wage increases starting in July of this year. After 2023, Oregon's minimum wage rate will be indexed to inflation based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI), a figure published by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics to track prices for a fixed "market basket" of goods.

The law creates a tiered wage floor based on three zones around the state: 1) inside the urban growth boundary of the Portland metro region, including Multnomah, Washington and Clackamas counties 2) certain "nonurban counties listed here<> and 3) the rest of the state.

The advisory committee will begin work in late March.

The rulemaking advisory committee will include members of the NW Grocery Associations, Oregon Restaurant and Lodging Association, Oregon Farm Bureau, Oregon Association of Nurseries, Association of Oregon Industries, Oregon Business Association, PCUN, AFL-CIO, Family Forward, SEIU, CAUSA and Oregon Center for Public Policy. In addition, representatives from the offices of Governor Kate Brown, Senator Michael Dembrow and Representative Paul Holvey will serve on the committee.

Employers that want to keep up to date about minimum wage rules and other workplace topics may sign up for the Technical Assistance for Employer's email list here<>. The agency also intends to develop one poster for the state that will satisfy employers' posting requirements.

Additional public comments can be directed to paloma.sparks at

For more information about BOLI's efforts to support Oregon employers and protect Oregon's workforce, visit

Charlie Burr
Communications Director
Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries
800 NE Oregon Street, Suite 1045
Portland, Oregon  97232
Tel:  971-673-0788
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