NEWS RELEASE: Labor Commissioner Avakian praises wage theft legislation

Burr, Charlie charlie.burr at
Thu Mar 3 12:58:14 PST 2016

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For Immediate Release
March 3, 2016
CONTACT: Charlie Burr, (971) 673-0788, Paloma Sparks, (541) 337-4740

Labor Commissioner Avakian statement on wage theft legislation

Portland, OR-Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian today issued the following statement on Senate Bill 1587<> upon its near-unanimous passage in the Oregon House of Representatives. The measure makes certain wage violations a Class C felony and authorizes the Bureau of Labor Industries' Wage and Hour Division to hire three new full-time Wage and Hour investigators.

This bill gives us new enforcement tools to hold corporations accountable and ensure that Oregonians are paid every dime they've earned - on time and in full.

Strong wage enforcement is critical for both working families and other employers who follow the rules and do right by their workers.

Today's action will help fight wage theft, including for those who will soon see a boost in their paychecks due to the much-needed increase to our state's minimum wage.

Our agency looks forward to adding new investigative positions to ensure fair enforcement of important workplace protections.

Senator Michael Dembrow served as chief sponsor of the legislation, which now head to Governor Kate Brown's desk where it awaits signature.

Recently, the bureau secured a $2.5 million wage enforcement settlement<$2.5%20million%20wage%20collection%20settlement.pdf> with Southern Oregon University, the largest in the agency's history. For more information about BOLI's efforts to support Oregon employers and protect Oregon's workforce, visit


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