NEWS RELEASE: BOLI selects administrative law judge, chief prosecutor with deep experience

Burr, Charlie charlie.burr at
Fri Aug 11 11:41:46 PDT 2017

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August 11, 2017
CONTACT:           Charlie Burr, BOLI, (971) 673-0788

BOLI selects administrative law judge, chief prosecutor with deep experience
Chief Prosecutor Jenn Gaddis to assume ALJ role; Cristin Casey to become chief prosecutor

PORTLAND, OR-The Bureau of Labor and Industries has selected a new administrative law judge and chief prosecutor, the agency announced today.
Starting September 1, Jenn Gaddis, currently head of BOLI's Administrative Prosecution Unit, will serve as an administrative law judge for the agency. Cristin Casey, who has worked as an administrative prosecutor since 2013, will assume the role of chief prosecutor.
Both Casey and Gaddis bring deep administrative litigation experience in wage and hour matters and unlawful discrimination cases involving employment and public accommodations.
Recently, Casey and Gaddis represented the agency in the administrative prosecution of Stars Cabaret that resulted in the largest civil rights settlement for an individual in the agency's history. A Final Order on the second complainant's case is expected in the coming months.
"Both Casey and Gaddis bring strong experience navigating complex and landmark cases," said Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian. "I greatly appreciate what they've already accomplished at the agency and know that they'll hit the ground running in their new positions."
Prior to leading BOLI's Administrative Prosecution Unit, Gaddis prosecuted a range of felony criminal cases, including child sex abuse and homicide cases, as chief deputy district attorney for Polk County.
Before serving as part of BOLI's Administrative Prosecution Unit, Casey served as a deputy district attorney for Lane County prosecuting misdemeanor and felony crimes and as a law clerk for the Clackamas County District Attorney's Juvenile Division.
Both Casey and Gaddis received law degrees from Willamette University College of Law.
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Charlie Burr
Communications Director
Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries
800 NE Oregon, Ste. 1050
Portland, OR 97232
Tel: 971-673-0788

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