NEWS RELEASE: Avakian on Sessions discrimination memo: Protections for transgender Oregonians remains strong
Burr, Charlie
charlie.burr at
Thu Oct 5 12:19:03 PDT 2017
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For Immediate Release
October 5, 2017
CONTACT: Charlie Burr, (971) 673-0788
Avakian on Sessions discrimination memo: Protections for transgender Oregonians remains strong
PORTLAND, OR-In response a memo by Attorney General Jeff Sessions seeking to rollback federal protections for transgender Americans in the workplace, Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian today issued a statement affirming Oregon's commitment to ensuring strong and fair enforcement of transgender discrimination laws.
Our agency is committed to protecting the civil rights of all Oregonians - including transgender Oregonians - so that people are not denied employment, housing or access to public places based on who they are or who they love. The Oregon Equality Act of 2007 protects transgender Oregonians from unlawful discrimination - protection that does not change with this most recent attempt to rollback civil rights by Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Any transgender Oregonian may file a civil rights complaint with our agency. A complainant doesn't need an attorney to file nor does it cost money to submit a complaint. Further, we intend to continue enforcing both Oregon's strong protections and Title VII protections through our agency's contract with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission so that all Oregonians are treated fairly under law.
Oregon businesses and employers seeking help navigating transgender civil rights protections can contact the agency's Technical Assistance for Employers Program at (971) 673-0824.
For more information about BOLI's efforts to protect workplaces and the civil rights of all Oregonians, visit
Charlie Burr
Communications Director
Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries
800 NE Oregon, Ste. 1050
Portland, OR 97232
Tel: 971-673-0788
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