[Comm-partners] Tuesday Tidbits - Parenting & Child Development

D5 Communications D5Communications at odhsoha.oregon.gov
Tue Apr 23 12:38:56 PDT 2024

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Tuesday Tidbits for D5 Child Welfare and Self-Sufficiency staff, and Community Partners!

Tuesday Tidbits are short, specific info bites you can use and share to increase collective knowledge of Lane County's wide-ranging community resource landscape.

Below are resources for Parenting & Child Development – Classes, trainings, support & respite, community connection, and more. Please click links and check out attachments for more information.

As always, ODHS staff please visit and bookmark the D5 Community Resources OWL page<https://dhsoha.sharepoint.com/teams/Hub-ODHS-District5/SitePages/Community-Resources.aspx> for resources, flyer library and more.

Questions, requests, submissions, feedback? Send it our way – D5 Communications D5Communications at odhsoha.oregon.gov<mailto:D5Communications at odhsoha.oregon.gov>
Are you outside ODHS and want to get Tuesday Tidbits in your inbox? Sign up by clicking this link!<https://omls.oregon.gov/mailman/listinfo/comm-partners>


With Drea Smith! Lift Every Voice presents this four-week course. The course will cover many subjects including colonization and its impact on the family structure, birth to three, three to six, and self-care is self-love.

Childcare and refreshments will be provided!

WHEN: Four weeks, starting 05.11.2024, 10am – 12pm
WHERE: 888 Goodpasture Island Rd, Eugene

Register here!<http://linktr.ee/lev.eugene> See attached flyer for more information.

[cid:image017.png at 01DA9575.A4011EA0]<https://wepi1997.org/eugene-springfield-project/>WOMEN’S EMPOWERMENT PARTNERSHIP EUGENE/SPRINGFIELD PROJECT – FUNDING MAY BE AVAILABLE

From the WEP website<https://wepi1997.org/eugene-springfield-project/>: At the core of our community-driven efforts lies a commitment to removing barriers that often keep women and their families trapped in cycles of poverty. Achieving financial stability is paramount to breaking free from these constraints.

Some things we assist with include:

  *   Get-into-housing costs
  *   Housing stability (homelessness prevention)
  *   Utility/Internet bills
  *   Maintenance of phone service
  *   Transportation
  *   Interview and job clothing, shoes, accessories

We also assist with some expenses related to education and training, emergency food aid, health and dental care, and minor legal expenses such as expungement of criminal records.

Upon acceptance into our program, our commitment extends beyond immediate assistance, focusing on fostering housing and financial stability over the long term.

Check out the website and contact instructions for more information.<https://wepi1997.org/need-help/>

[cid:image004.png at 01DA957B.2FCAD930]<https://www.instagram.com/p/C54HeWjSiof/?igsh=MWd6YXl1MnZueDFweQ%3D%3D> 🎉¡Día de los niños/Día de los libros! 🎉

Venga a una celebración bilingüe gratis de la lectura, la familia y la comunidad de Bethel el sábado 4 de mayo, a cualquier hora, de 10 a. m. al mediodía, en la cafetería de Willamette High School. Come to Día de los niños/Día de los libros, a free bilingual celebration of reading, family, and the Bethel community on Sat., May 4, anytime 10 a.m.-noon., in the Willamette High School cafeteria.

Niños ocho años y menores y sus familias están invitados a unirse a la diversión con acto musical por Piel De Canela y Joshua Caraco, una demostración de trabajo del cuero y actividades prácticas que incluyen arte de globos, tatuajes temporales, artesanía de flores de papel y más. ¡También un libro gratis para cada niño! Kids ages eight and younger and their families are invited to join in the fun with musical performances by Dúo Piel Canela and Joshua Caraco, a leatherworking demonstration, and hands-on activities including balloon art, face painting, temporary tattoos, paper flower crafting and more. Plus a free gift book for each child!

Copatrocinado por la Biblioteca Sucursal de Bethel de la Biblioteca Pública de Eugene, Comunidad y Herencia Cultural (Noche Cultural), Eugene ArteLatino, Latino Unidos, y Willamette High School Bethel School District. Co-sponsored by the Bethel Branch of Eugene Public Library, Comunidad y Herencia Cultural, Eugene Arte Latino, Latinos Unidos, and Willamette High School.

See attached flyer for more information and subscribe to the Eugene Library Instagram page!<https://www.instagram.com/p/C54HeWjSiof/?igsh=MWd6YXl1MnZueDFweQ%3D%3D>


Child care providers: we want to hear from you! Join Quality Care Connections to help shape Lane County’s Prevention of Exclusion/Suspension in Early Childhood programs. Dinner and gift cards will be provided for participants. Registration is not required.

WHEN: Thursday, April 25 at 6 p.m.
WHERE: United Way of Lane County office, 3171 Gateway Loop, Springfield

See attached flyer for more information.

[cid:image006.png at 01DA957B.2FCAD930]<https://www.instagram.com/p/C51JURBOpXW/?igsh=cW1qN3hyOTNzbGVy>CFD YOUTH RECOVERY PROGRAM

Center for Family Development’s Youth Recovery Program focuses on healthy relationships within families, peers, and the community. We provide support for addressing adolescent substance use.

Visit their website<http://c-f-d.org/> for more details. See attached flyer for more information.


Through the group, participants will connect with other individuals and receive guidance on:

  *   Stress management
  *   Healthy bonding
  *   Information about pregnancy and infant development
This group is FREE for all participants thanks to a grant from the Early Childhood Hub of Lane County and is open to all, whether a client of CFD or not.

WHEN: Starting April 29th, Mondays 6 – 8pm
WHERE: Center for Family Development

See attached flyer for more information and to register<http://c-f-d.org/>!


The group focuses specifically on managing challenging behaviors using positive discipline strategies and proactive approaches to parenting. Session content covers information about understanding challenging behaviors, developing consistent and logical consequences, building positive relationships, implementing successful family routines, and teaching self-regulation and emotion regulation strategies to children.

Parents may also receive a certificate of completion. This group is FREE for all participants thanks to a grant from the Early Childhood Hub of Lane County.

WHEN: Starting Wednesdays May 1, 12 – 2pm
WHERE: Center for Family Development

[cid:image001.png at 01DA8FE4.E4C76840]<https://files.constantcontact.com/9a0fefa3201/ab4f32bf-8edd-4363-8176-d5bfc23e0522.pdf>REACH OUT OREGON FAMILY DISCUSSION

Weekly on Fridays we offer a safe space for parents and offer support and guidance to ALL families to connect with a Family Support Specialist to identify culturally specifics resources that can meet your needs.

WHEN: Weekly, Fridays, 5pm – 6pm
WHERE: Virtual!

Join here!<https://jf76p6iab.cc.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001ppjqkjQp03amBUbv4oAoJ4JINZH7nqnNY852B7fA2ZgoBG26_cXB-wCw6mL7SxpcducY3Zoxsd3OWcN47VLBqBsQbOS4GgMZyk9IvdRzn156Z4ZTTbkN7plZf1qa9_FCdYTjXz5NamjGIEiygAqXCSbEmOZKyP1O9BVPvOuQTXGWZMP_FQyrkQ==&c=OVEOI5eEXYhlEvfoPM8dFXcbQ2OZZcU78NM8olctOEAVKEbNn9lRqQ==&ch=bTi27XGOhzLAtW3LGQh3JQr-aTcpAwhdvMydNBJ2AZyrScBShMuq7Q==>

Learn more here!<https://jf76p6iab.cc.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001ppjqkjQp03amBUbv4oAoJ4JINZH7nqnNY852B7fA2ZgoBG26_cXB-wCw6mL7SxpcuYgMJvG22R_CY3OOHrkhEAQPmjZB9a9uXxyejAEEv-chHW8wiENBX868__JaLhF4D66gQi9f5BAyJcVO2yZYNg7ZUVP4lZXMc84EKZtbgrDR1vytqNo_KbNlSfHH-rpNYdl6VCMQKjG86ALhR5irICJSfvumPFO8IWahGYd6AB4=&c=OVEOI5eEXYhlEvfoPM8dFXcbQ2OZZcU78NM8olctOEAVKEbNn9lRqQ==&ch=bTi27XGOhzLAtW3LGQh3JQr-aTcpAwhdvMydNBJ2AZyrScBShMuq7Q==>

Questions, requests, submissions, feedback? Send it our way – D5 Communications D5Communications at odhsoha.oregon.gov<mailto:D5Communications at odhsoha.oregon.gov>

Xana McCrea  she/her
Community Partnership Coordinator
Call or text: 541-321-3339
xana.mccrea at odhs.oregon.gov<mailto:xana.mccrea at odhs.oregon.gov>

Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS)
Self-Sufficiency Program (SSP)
Branch 2002 – West 11th Family Center
2101 W 11th Ave
Eugene, OR 97402

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