[Comm-partners] Tuesday Tidbits - Parenting & Child Development
D5 Communications
D5Communications at odhsoha.oregon.gov
Tue Dec 17 11:56:24 PST 2024
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Tuesday Tidbits for D5 Child Welfare staff, Oregon Eligibility Partnership staff, Self-Sufficiency staff, and Community Partners!
Tuesday Tidbits are short, specific info bites you can use and share to increase collective knowledge of Lane County's wide-ranging community resource landscape.
Below are resources for Parenting & Child Development – Youth services, classes, trainings, support & respite, community connection, and more. Please click links and check out attachments for more information.
[cid:image008.png at 01DB507A.A932C2F0]Click below to skip to a part of this email!
Click here to go to RESOURCES.
Click here to go to time-sensitive announcements and events.
Click here to go to IMPORTANT REPEATS.
[cid:image010.png at 01DB507A.A932C2F0]<https://www.instagram.com/p/DDfrrNuv52O/?igsh=YXp1NmhlaTNveG9s>ECCO CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER LOTTERY
WHEN: To place name in lottery, email Jill Johnson at johnson_ji at 4j.lane.edu<mailto:johnson_ji at 4j.lane.edu> by December 18th
WHERE: ECCO High School, 200 North Monroe St., Eugene
This is a childcare opportunity for the public to enroll their child/children in our childcare program. There will be two spaces available for community members to enroll their child/children at the center, which is located on the campus of ECCO High School, 200 North Monroe St., Eugene, OR. We serve children ages 6 weeks to 18 months. The center will accommodate our teen parents as well as up to two community children.
For more information, check out the flyer here<https://files.smartsites.parentsquare.com/3401/flexcare_winter_2025-final.pdf>.
[cid:image012.png at 01DB507A.A932C2F0]<https://www.instagram.com/p/DDYZC1nP5vJ/?igsh=MTM0dDZqcjlsd3F5aw%3D%3D>FREE WINTER GEAR BAGS FOR YOUTH
WHEN: Tuesdays, 5:30 – 7:30 while supplies last
WHERE: Campus Life Church across from Hamlin Middle School, Springfield
15th Night’s<https://www.15thnight.org/> Youth Action Council<https://www.15thnight.org/youth-action-council/> put together some winter gear bags to pass out at Our Neighborhood for the next couple of weeks. Bags are filled with hats, gloves, hand warmers, and some holiday cheer! Bags will be available at Our Neighborhood for youth ages 12-21.
[cid:image014.png at 01DB507A.A932C2F0]<https://www.instagram.com/p/DCp5R12yPIZ/?igsh=X3JtRC13Rzlm>FREE HOLIDAY HAIRCUTS WITH WELLMAMA
WHEN: TODAY! December 17th, 2pm-7pm
WHERE: 576 Olive St #205, Eugene, OR 97401
✨ Free Holiday Haircuts at WellMama<https://www.instagram.com/p/DCp5R12yPIZ/?igsh=X3JtRC13Rzlm>! ✨
⭐️1-hour time slot per person
⭐️Childcare provided during your appointment
⭐️Ages 10 and up!
Join Wellmama<https://www.wellmama.help/> for a free haircut session with local stylist, Olivia Smith! Olivia will provide dry cuts with the option to style, so please come with clean, natural hair ready for a fresh look.
To book, scan the code or click here<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1dczC0Lt5bM7BfHjUPa9SnVP8VcLi2PgmjFsWSiPSFrI/viewform?edit_requested=true> and choose your preferred date. Wellmama will reach out with your time slot once we have a headcount.
For hair questions, email Olivia at lividhair at gmail.com<mailto:lividhair at gmail.com>. Flyer attached!
[cid:image025.png at 01DB507A.A932C2F0]<https://www.facebook.com/escudolatino/>SEASON OF GIVING – TEMPORADA DE DAR
WHEN: Accepting donations until December 18th
Escudo Latino<https://www.facebook.com/escudolatino/> are launching the 4th Annual Season of Giving and collecting new toys and clothes for low income Latino children in Lane County.
We know the high demand in our community to bring joy to children this holiday season. We are reaching out to see if you are willing to make a donation or host a bid at your location to collect toys or clothing. Everything helps. Help spread the word!
If you know of a family in need or have donations, please reach out to Mariela German Hernandez via email at escudo.mariela at gmail.com<mailto:escudo.mariela at gmail.com>
Families can sign up here:
[cid:image026.png at 01DB507A.A932C2F0]<https://www.instagram.com/p/DDf4J76z6i3/?igsh=MXNvaDdkNGt4ZWxhcw%3D%3D>BIPOC BLUEPRINT – FREE PROGRAM FOR YOUTH GRADES 8 – 12
WHEN: Thursday, December 19th, 4:30 – 6:00pm
WHERE: Spark on 7th, 22 W 7th Ave, Eugene
We’ll paint planter pots, decorate ornaments, and enjoy Mexican tamales and snacks! Designed for BIPOC youth, but all are welcome. Open to youth in grades 8-12!
BIPOC Blueprint is designed for youth to build community and have fun through in-depth conversations, small interactive workshops, and engaging activities. Topics would include mental health, how to thrive in spaces where you're the minority, how to live an active and healthy life, and how to deal with microaggressions.
Click here for more information and to register!<https://clc.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_dp6Yno6A4O80RT0>
WHEN: December 21st, 11am – 3pm
WHERE: 1695 Jefferson St, Eugene
Join the Black Cultural Initiative<https://blackculturalinitiative.com/> and BeLonging Space<https://thebelongingspace.org/> to eat, drink and be merry! Photos with Black Santa, storytime, toy and book giveaway, free food and drinks, free food pantry, African cookie decorating, crafts and more!
See attached flyer for schedule and more information.
[cid:image020.png at 01DB5062.6EE6D400]<https://www.instagram.com/p/DDFVLilPzRI/?igsh=QkFLU3laNVRueg%3D%3D>FOSTERING PRIDE VIRTUAL EVENT
WHEN: Tuesday, January 7th, 6pm
WHERE: Via Zoom!
Help support LGBTQIA2S+ children and youth in Oregon’s foster care system by learning more about become a resource (foster) parent!
This session helps you hear from youth and resource parents who have experience with the system as well as child welfare licensing staff to so that when you are ready, you can start the process!
Visit www.unicornsolutions.org/fostering-pride<http://www.unicornsolutions.org/fostering-pride> to learn more and register today. 🏳️🌈🦄🏳️⚧️
[cid:image021.png at 01DB5062.6EE6D400]<https://www.instagram.com/p/DBcor7oINFw/?igsh=Y2w5aDZhZThraDRi>BUILD A BIKE (FREE!)
WHEN: Build-A-Bike takes place over several sessions from 6pm to 7:30pm.
WHERE: Shift Community Cycles<https://www.shiftcc.org/shift-kidz>, 811 W 6th Ave, Eugene
It's back! Build A Bike registration is now open!
Ever wondered how a bike comes together? Now’s your chance to find out! Shift Kidz Build-A-Bike Program gives youths, ages 12-17, the opportunity to get hands on experience putting a bike together piece by piece. Our experienced and knowledgeable mechanics will guide participants through each step, explaining how each parts works with the other to eventually make a bicycle. Bicycles, parts, and tools will be provided.
Head on over to ShiftCC.org/shift-kidz<https://www.shiftcc.org/shift-kidz> to find out more and register!
[cid:image031.png at 01DB507A.A932C2F0]<http://www.getrec.org/>City of Eugene Youth Empowerment Program
Our winter/spring programming<http://www.getrec.org/> just came out! See attached programming flyer.
All our programs are free and we have the ability to provide inclusion needs. Programs are offered almost every day of the week including no-school days!
A couple additions not on the poster, we have a shuttle for a teen center from Prairie Mountain School in Bethel and additionally we could do a shuttle for Cascade and Willamette at Echo Hollow if there is interest.
If you have any questions please reach out to Alison Willis, the YEP program supervisor, awillis at eugene-or.gov.
[cid:image032.png at 01DB507A.A932C2F0]<https://www.wellmama.help/>LEARN ABOUT WELLMAMA
WHERE: WellMama Oregon<https://www.wellmama.help/contact/>, 576 Olive St, Suite 205, Eugene.
Follow WellMama on Instagram<https://www.instagram.com/wellmamaoregon/>!
Mental health support for parents & caregivers. WellMama is a non-profit organization that provides comprehensive pregnancy and postpartum support for new, expectant, and grieving parents.
Group classes<https://www.wellmama.help/get-support/> and Wellness Workshops<https://www.wellmama.help/wellnessworkshop/> include:
Mariposas y Rosas - Únete a nosotros para un espacio de apoyo donde podrás conectarte con mamás que hablan español.
Walkers & Talkers - This group offers a safe & supportive space to connect with other parents with toddlers, while receiving support and access to resources.
New Parent Support - This group offers a supportive space to connect with other parents, while receiving support and access to resources.
Wobblers and Crawlers - This group offers a safe & supportive space to connect with other parents with crawlers, while receiving support and access to resources.
WellMama CONNECT on Zoom
Open Loss Circle - All are welcome to attend this circle – come as you are.
Building Connections: Wonder Year
NICU Support, and so much more!
[cid:image035.png at 01DB507A.A932C2F0]<https://www.instagram.com/p/DDiM0vzsxJS/?img_index=1&igsh=MXJ0NjhrY2Y4ZzN3Zw%3D%3D>LOOKING GLASS STATION 7
WHERE: 931 W 7th, Eugene
Follow Looking Glass HYS Programs on Instagram here<https://www.instagram.com/lookingglasshys/>!
Station 7<https://www.lookingglass.us/station-7> is an overnight shelter for folks aged 11 to 20, with the goal of supporting those who lack safe and secure housing. This includes those who have left without the permission of their guardians, those who have been asked to leave, and those who otherwise don’t have a safe place to be.
Each person's stay at Station 7 will look different depending on their needs.
* For those under the age of 18, Station 7 will attempt to get them reunified with a safe and stable adult.
* If that is not a possibility, staff will work to find alternative housing options while exploring other goals.
* For those 18-20 staff will work with them to identify their goals and steps that can be taken to achieve them, with one goal always being safe and stable housing.
* Stays can be up to 21 days with the possibility to extend that time as needed to support folks in finding a safe exit.
* While staying, guests are also provided the opportunity to build community with one another through daily rec activities, house meetings, and various skill building opportunities.
If you have questions specific to your situation, call our 24-hour line at (541)-689-3111
[cid:image036.png at 01DB507A.A932C2F0]<https://www.honeynonprofit.org/>BrainiPocS - A Homework and Literacy Support Club for K-12 students
WHEN: Tutoring open now! 1st and 3rd Saturdays, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
BrainiPocs is a program created by H.O.N.E.Y. Inc<https://www.honeynonprofit.org/>. to help multiracial, Black, Indigenous and students of color be successful in school by offering no cost tutoring, homework and reading support for K-12 students.
Sign up here<https://cusc44bab.cc.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0017TOYYq9DSTS9j82vAUyTx9fBykUVeHxbBRB1TRJr99jO48k6wf-LiCo2317SjzIsthkcx4WMBCE6VZuhw5EOi-iIOAnCi9jXa8xNMgRB2ykzBNwQpZQUB8fe2ico3okqNf0Qn1cx5TF5Dz0fRL0wd80dtDZQAXlqxdH7ME787HOWebSS2cfze2-BgBOPuLSBL77UIpPD1BKy4rCMRFN62FTEv--DHvub0pZsrjCqZLwtp8TvH-d9uMMOO65Gq5yNfyE9Szix50U=&c=CPJ_qm2uk3tGuBIU29roaOabHfdpPhTquA_gdKPEjsI_ukk7vgl1XQ==&ch=8pRccu92E-Ry0FZo2yT4DCbVjdStxD686WEJDRAGe986C6blcQHU0Q==>!
As always, ODHS staff please visit and bookmark the D5 Community Resources OWL page<https://dhsoha.sharepoint.com/teams/Hub-ODHS-District5/SitePages/Community-Resources.aspx> for resources, flyer library and more.
Questions, requests, submissions, feedback? Send it our way – D5 Communications D5Communications at odhsoha.oregon.gov<mailto:D5Communications at odhsoha.oregon.gov>
Are you outside ODHS and want to get Tuesday Tidbits in your inbox? Sign up by clicking this link!<https://omls.oregon.gov/mailman/listinfo/comm-partners>
Xana McCrea she/her
Community Partnership Coordinator
Call or text: 541-321-3339
xana.mccrea at odhs.oregon.gov<mailto:xana.mccrea at odhs.oregon.gov>
Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS)
Self-Sufficiency Program (SSP)
Branch 2002 – West 11th Family Center
2101 W 11th Ave
Eugene, OR 97402
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