[Datamart-News] FW: Employment Opportunity - DAS

Datamart Support * DAS Datamart.Support at oregon.gov
Mon Sep 29 07:55:17 PDT 2014

Good Afternoon,

The following is being sent on behalf of DAS.

Payroll Professionals,

OSPS' beloved trainer Kari has moved on to fulfill her true passion:  teaching kids.  She will be greatly missed.

That of course means OSPS is now looking for a trainer.

So here is that announcement:  Training & Development Specialist 2 (OSPS Training Coordinator)<http://agency.governmentjobs.com/oregon/default.cfm?action=viewJob&jobID=971739>

Please pass along to anyone who would be interested.


Seth Lewis
Senior System Analyst
DAS/EGS/FBS/Oregon Statewide Payroll Services
503.373.0259 - direct
503.378.3518 - fax
seth.lewis at oregon.gov<mailto:seth.lewis at oregon.gov>
Visit Our Online Resource Center:  State of Oregon: Oregon Statewide Payroll Services<http://www.oregon.gov/DAS/EGS/FBS/OSPS/Pages/index.aspx>
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