[Datamart-News] Workday Payroll Datamart Testing

WALLACE Aaron * DAS Aaron.WALLACE at das.oregon.gov
Wed Nov 9 11:07:52 PST 2022

OSPS Datamart users,

As most of you know, the transition from OSPA to Workday is quickly approaching. The go-live for the Payroll and Time Tracking Replacement project is less than a month away (December 1, 2022) and we want to make sure all agencies have the opportunity to be included in the testing of the new Workday tables in the Test Datamart.

Currently, the Test Datamart has the new Workday tables included. In addition, the OBIEE Test environment has been set-up with the new subject area. However, depending on what your agency needs, you will want to review the below access information to determine the best security path.

  1.  Using OBIEE for testing: If your agency desires to test the new OBIEE subject area, please provide an email to SARS system security that includes the user name and the two test environment security groups ('DAS_OSCIO_OSPSUSER_TEST' and 'DAS_OSCIO_BICONTENTAUTHOR_TEST').
  2.  Using other DB2 programs (Ex. Excel, Access, etc.) for testing: If your agency wants to pull data directly from the Datamart tables (not OBIEE) and view the data using programs such as Excel, Access and others, they will need to request their agency tech support set up a Test Datamart ODBC on each users' computer (If help is needed, the agency tech support can contact Joe Adelman for assistance). Agency tech support will also need to open a firewall ticket for the DB2 port (3700). In addition, the agency will need to provide the employee name and RACF ID to Datamart support.

Also attached is a list of the Workday Datamart tables and the field name, field description and format of each field.

If you have additional questions, please contact the Workday team (osps.workday at das.oregon.gov<mailto:osps.workday at das.oregon.gov>) or Datamart Support.

Aaron Wallace
Sr. Datamart Business Analyst

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