[Datamart-News] Workday payroll data to SFMA (update)

WALLACE Aaron * DAS Aaron.WALLACE at das.oregon.gov
Tue Apr 30 08:36:04 PDT 2024

We are continuing to update the issue described below. The latest installment of loading missing data to the Datamart is complete. It contains a 'Rpt Effective Date' of 4/29/24 and is for Jan24 to Mar24. Please see the attached breakdown by agency.

Aaron Wallace
Sr. Datamart Business Analyst

From: Datamart-News <datamart-news-bounces at omls.oregon.gov> On Behalf Of WALLACE Aaron * DAS via Datamart-News
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2024 7:56 AM
To: datamart-news at omls.oregon.gov
Subject: [Datamart-News] Workday payroll data to SFMA

Datamart users,

DAS Workday central payroll has been hard at work to reconcile Workday and SFMA data.  In March 2023, it was discovered that there were some "On-Demand" & "Off-Cycle" transactions that had not been sent to SFMA or Datamart as expected, these types of transactions are completed after payroll run 1 but are tied back to the original pay period.  Many transactions are for reversals done in Workday, which will result in a credit value coming through to SFMA.

In August 2023, a catchup was done for December 2022 - June 2023 transactions.  It was determined, going forward, a quarterly catchup of missing data would need processed, until a permanent fix is able to be put in place within Workday.

In October 2023, another catchup was done, for data from July to September.
We have now created the latest catchup load (October to December 2023), which was loaded this weekend and is available today (Monday January 22). The data will contain a Jan 20 Report Effective date as this is a load outside the normal run1 and 2. Please see the basic cost detail in the attached document.

Steps are being taken to correct this issue long-term.  Once the issue is resolved, a final correction will need to be made.

Thanks for your understanding,
Aaron Wallace
Sr Datamart Business Analyst.

Steps are being taken to correct this issue long-term.  Once the issue is resolved, an additional correction will need to be made for FY24, if not sooner.  DAS Workday central payroll will notify agencies when the issue has been resolved and when additional corrections are interfaced.

Aaron Wallace
Sr. Datamart Business Analyst
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