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title="The state’s current pricing ag..."
alt="The state’s current pricing agreement with Oracle for purchase and maintenance of the Datamart query and reporting tool, Brio/Hyperion, ends September 2009.
The SCD Datamart Team is exploring various options and has been asked to recommend a solution to either upgrade to Oracle’s web-based application or find a different product that will meet our collective needs.
Over the next few months, we would like to ask you some questions and solicit your input about the query tools you currently use and the types of data you need to do your job.
To begin the process we have created a simple, 2-minute survey that will help us better understand how you are using the Datamart, including which query and reporting tools you currently use and for what purposes. It’s a start. See details below!
State Controller's Division
Statewide accounting and reporting services
November 14, 2008
Special Edition
Datamart connection
SCD Looking Into New Query & Reporting Tool
Follow the link below and take our 2 minute survey!
Take The Survey Now!
The results will be published in the Datamart Connection.
Take the User Profile Survey November 14-26!
The SCD Datamart team is in the process of forming an Agency Advisory Group made up of people like you! The Advisory group will review survey results, assist in the development of user requirements, and provide feedback.. The first meeting will be held in January 2009. If you are interested, please contact Linda Flicker at:
Linda.Flicker@state.or.us (503) 373-7277 ext. 281
Agency Advisory Group Now Forming
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