[gis_info] FW: URISA Leadership Academy comes to Seattle in December

SMITH Cy * EISPD GEO Cy.Smith at state.or.us
Thu Oct 30 10:39:30 PDT 2008

Sorry for any cross-postings.


Cy Smith, GISP
Statewide GIS Coordinator
COGO Chair
NSGIC Past-President
DAS/Geospatial Enterprise Office
955 Center St. NE, Room 470
Salem, OR  97301

-----Original Message-----
From: rbolen986 at gmail.com [mailto:rbolen986 at gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2008 2:33 PM
Subject: URISA Leadership Academy comes to Seattle in December

URISA Leadership Academy December 8-12, 2008 Seattle, WA

Registration is now open for the URISA Leadership Academy, to be held in
Seattle, December 8-12.  For full Academy details and registration
information, see: http://urisa.org/ula.

The entire five day program, the only leadership training program of its
type, is tailored to industry leaders and practitioners faced with
unique challenges of GIS leadership and management and who want to make
an impact leveraging the power of GIS.

Examples of what you will learn from the Leadership Academy include:

*     Introduction to leadership and various leadership styles
*     Ethics in leadership
*     The manager as communicator
*     How to build a successful team of GIS professionals
*     Outreach and expansion of GIS in the organization
*     How to build a GIS budget and enumerate costs and benefits
*     The politics of GIS leadership
*     How to plan for change
*     Trend spotting, GIS as an integrative tool

The URISA Leadership Academy (ULA) was presented in New Orleans last
December and in Chicago in June....read what one previous attendee said:
"This was the best training/conference opportunity I have been
privileged to attend.  It certainly reflects well on URISA and makes me
want to be more involved in the organization locally and nationally.
Keep up the good work."
- Lane A. DeLarme, IS Manager, City of Lakewood

ULA attendees work together in a collegial environment designed to
foster networking during the session and to enhance professional
networking outside the Academy. The Academy is a full-service
conference. Each day, ULA members will learn, dine, and socialize
together. To that end, each day is structured to promote and encourage
strong relationships between instructors and attendees.

Earn 1.25 GISCI GISP(r) Points for attending the full ULA.

Who attended past ULA sessions?

* Individuals attended from 25 states and 4 countries.

* They work for a wide variety of organizations, representing:

*     city/county/regional/state and federal government
*     private sector
*     non-profit organizations
*     academia

* 27% of past attendees already had their GISP certification

* They possessed a wide range of job titles (examples include: GIS
Specialist, Senior Project Manager, Planning Director, GIS Manager,
Engineer, GIS Consultant)


---- End of message ----

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