[gis_info] Revised Cadastral Data Exchange Standard 2.0

BATES Cress A (Lane Cty) Cress.Bates at co.lane.or.us
Mon Jul 6 14:50:37 PDT 2009


The Oregon Cadastral FIT is in the process of modifying the Cadastral
Data Exchange Standard. Input received during the first comment period
has now been incorporated into the document and we are now in the second
period of review.  This period is 45 days and will close 08/19/09.

This latest revision incorporates the comments received during the
previous review
period which dealt mainly with clarifying coded value domain statements,
valid attribute values in several of the fields, and removing "auto"
fields as part of
the standard definition.

This latest posting for your review removes langauage from the standard
which deals
with "optional" items - such as the property table fields and the
mapindex polygons.
The standard is now just that - a standard definition of cadastral data
items.  Agencies
would still be able to choose what items would be optional when using
the cadastral data
exchange standard as a template for defining cadastral data.

Please address comments to Cress Bates (Cress.Bates at co.lane.or.us). 

The current revision is available on the FIT's web site:

A PowerPoint presentation discussing the revisions is available here:


Cress Bates
Lane County Public Works GIS
3040 N. Delta Hwy.
Eugene, OR  97408
cress.bates at co.lane.or.us 

Milt Hill, GISP
Framework Coordinator
DAS/Geospatial Enterprise Office
955 Center St. NE, Rm 470
Salem, OR 97301
milton.e.hill at state.or.us 

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