[gis_info] 2010 NSDI Cooperative Agreements Program

Sheri Schneider sschneid at usgs.gov
Mon Oct 19 12:56:08 PDT 2009


The announcement for the 2010 NSDI Cooperative Agreements Program is 
posted on Grants.gov.  A short summary of this year's categories and a 
link to the full 2010 NSDI CAP announcement can be found at 
http://www.fgdc.gov/grants/2010NSDICAP/2010CAP.   All proposals should be 
submitted via the Grants.gov Web site. The closing date is January 7, 
2010. Projects must begin on or before September 30, 2010.  Prior to 
applying applicants are encouraged to read the edibility section in the 
award category of interest.

Contact me if you have any questions.  Please feel free to forward this 
email to other folks who may be interested in this opportunity.



Sheri Schneider, USGS OR Geospatial Liaison
503-310-1531, fax: 503-251-3470
sschneider at usgs.gov

USGS, 2130 SW 5th Ave., Portland, OR, 97201
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