[gis_info] Preferred or Favorite TIF/TIFF Viewers

Stark, Dan stark at ci.wilsonville.or.us
Thu Jul 29 15:37:16 PDT 2010

We are preparing the hard disk images for our new PC rollouts this year and find ourselves searching for a good (preferably free) TIF/TIFF image viewer.  Although we are working toward all PDF, we have thousands of TIFF's for asbuilts, permits, plans, etc.  Does anyone have a recommended viewer that you have deployed across the enterprise?


Daniel J Stark AICP, GISP
GIS Manager
City of Wilsonville
29799 SW Town Center Loop E
<http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=29799+SW+Town+Center+Loop+E,+Wilsonville+OR+97070&sll=45.30295,-122.763312&sspn=0.010897,0.019054&layer=&ie=UTF8&z=16&ll=45.303569,-122.762947&spn=0.010897,0.019054&om=1&iwloc=addr>Wilsonville, OR 97070
voice: 503-570-1533
fax: 503-682-1015
stark at ci.wilsonville.or.us<mailto:stark at ci.wilsonville.or.us>
P paperless whenever possible.

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