[gis_info] Sr. GIS Analyst Position - Multnomah County

WITHERS Cherice cherice.withers at co.multnomah.or.us
Tue Mar 16 10:49:27 PDT 2010

Multnomah County, in Portland, Oregon has the following position open.
Thank you!

Are you excited about GIS?

We are! Multnomah County, one of Oregon's largest public agencies
employer, is committed to implementing enterprise GIS and improving the
ability to serve our community, our partners and our employees. The
County is actively developing and implementing an Enterprise GIS based
on modern server technology, connecting people with the geographic
information they need to better perform their business functions.
Implementation of this strategic design is aimed at optimizing workflows
by reducing data and software redundancy, providing real-time
geointelligence, providing better data security and integrating
important information assets.

To Apply: www.multcojobs.org <http://www.multcojobs.org/>  - Sr. GIS
Analyst - Job #6406-35

The Senior GIS Analyst will be working hand-in-hand with the GIS IT
Project Manager and the County GIS Steering Committee in developing
standards, best practices, and procedures to enhance all GIS services.
The Analyst will be a key member of the team, helping to lead the
transition from a heavy mapping environment organization to a robust and
sophisticated web-based GIS server environment.

Experience: Five+ years industry-related experience.   AND 

Training: Bachelor of Science degree OR an equivalent combination of
education and experience.  AND

Other:  Ability to pass a criminal history check. AND



Knowledge of cartographic datums, coordinate systems and projections


Skills to publish GIS maps, data to Enterprise-level ArcGIS Server,
ArcSDE/MS SQL Server and implementing internal web-mapping services 


Ability to use ESRI ArcGIS Desktop software for spatial analysis,
geospatial data processing and publication quality cartographic map


Ability to manage, maintain and troubleshoot enterprise-level ESRI GIS
software and hardware systems


Ability to convert common and GIS data file formats to native ArcGIS


Experience working in an enterprise GIS team environment


Creation of GUI's, some experience scripting with Python in ArcGIS.


Provide user technical support for ESRI desktop applications 




Ability to load ESRI ArcSDE Geodatabases into Microsoft SQL Server and/
or Oracle Locator/ Spatial


Work with DBA to setup standard ODBC database connectivity with
Microsoft SQL Server 


Geodatabase diagramming and UML modeling using Microsoft Visio or other
CASE tool software


Develop custom user applications with ESRI ArcObjects Model for both
ArcGIS Desktop and ArcGIS Enterprise Applications


Database management systems with ESRI ArcSDE for Microsoft SQL Server
and/or Oracle Spatial including the principles of database design,
methods for cross-platform database integration and replication.


Application Development Methodologies, Tools, Architecture, Languages:


Program scripting using Python (or similar) with ESRI Model Builder


Experience incorporating raster-based data including remotely sensed and
digital terrain information using ESRI Image Server enterprise software


Web application development environment (.NET framework preferred) and
web/ desktop publishing tools


GIS programming skills in C# or VB.NET, Python, Java, or other
object-oriented programming language


Use of Google API or Microsoft Virtual Earth API to geocode addresses
and mash-up custom map features


Business Requirements Gathering and Project Planning


Ability to create data models/ flow charts to reflect system
requirements and/ or changes required to support user requests


Ability to perform software requirements gathering, customer needs
assessments and plan GIS solutions accordingly


Ability to drive User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and QA strategy: liaising
between technical and business teams




Cherice Withers

Senior Recruiting Consultant

503-988-5015 ext. 29474

cherice.withers at co.multnomah.or.us


In the office Monday through Thursday


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