[gis_info] Introduction to ArcGIS II Course in Ashland - June 2010

Keith Massie massiek at mindspring.com
Thu May 13 07:14:42 PDT 2010

Introduction to ArcGIS II, Version 9.x

Columbia Cartographic is offering the three-day Introduction to 
ArcGIS II course at Southern Oregon University (SOU) in Ashland, June 
24 - 26, 2010.

The course follows the ESRI developed syllabus.

This three-day session costs $1,080 per student. The ESRI cost for 
this same three-day class is $1,470.

To reserve a space, print out the attached registration form, or 
obtain a copy of the registration form at 

Classes are taught by Keith Massie, an ESRI Authorized ArcGIS 
Instructor, using ESRI developed materials. For more information, 
call (541) 552-1779, or send e-mail to 
<mailto:keith at mapman.org>keith at mapman.org.  Classes are taught at the 
Geography Lab in Taylor Hall, Room 102, at SOU in Ashland, Oregon.

Keith Massie  
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