[gis_info] Changes to the GEO Website

ENDRULAT Erik * EISPD GEO erik.endrulat at state.or.us
Fri Jun 22 16:52:55 PDT 2012

This is an note about an upcoming change to the Geospatial Enterprise Office website:

As part of a reorganization in the Department of Administrative Services, on July 1 the Enterprise Information Security and Policy Division (EISPD) will become the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO). The changes will affect the websites of many DAS programs, including GEO’s.

While the URL for the top level of the DAS site will not change, GEO’s site will change from http://oregon.gov/DAS/EISPD/GEO to http://oregon.gov/DAS/CIO/GEO/.  All links associated with http://gis.oregon.gov/ should remain the same. We will put various redirects in place; however, redirects are a temporary solution and often do not encompass every change. Agencies will need to update links, bookmarks and favorites. If you have links on websites that you manage that point to the old GEO directory, please correct them to the new link provided above.

Please let us know if you have trouble accessing any content you were able to access before.



Erik Endrulat | GIS Analyst / Web Administrator | Department of Administrative Services, Geospatial Enterprise Office<http://gis.oregon.gov/> | (503) 378-2781

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