[gis_info] Oregon GIS Framework Forum summary and outcome

DENOUDEN Bob * CIO bob.denouden at state.or.us
Wed Feb 12 08:39:29 PST 2014

I have posted the presentations from last week's framework forum in Eugene on the GEO website at http://www.oregon.gov/DAS/CIO/GEO/pages/standards/standards.aspx
To find them, go to the GIS Standards Forums section of that page, near the bottom, to find the February 5th event links.

To summarize, we heard informational presentations on the Oregon Spatial Data Library (http://spatialdata.oregonexplorer.info/geoportal/catalog/main/home.page) as well as a proposed historical railroad data standard, urban growth boundary stewardship plan, the address point repository project, and NENA Next Generation 911 data exchange standard.

We considered an amended water and monitoring well data standard, which will be further revised and reviewed based on feedback heard during the forum.
An extension to the administrative boundaries data standard for a statewide zoning data layer was presented, review of this amendment continues until March 8.
The FGDC Thoroughfare, Landmark, and Postal Address Data Standard was presented and will be moved forward to OGIC for adoption at their March 19 meeting.  Note:  a question arose during the forum regarding the relationship (and potential overlap) between the FGDC address standard and the geographic names information system (GNIS).  I searched the FGDC address standard and found that GNISFeatureID is an element attribute of address standard.  See http://meadow.spatialfocus.com/address_standard/p2_address_attributes_accordion.html#GNISFeatureID for more information on how GNIS and addresses are related.

For those of you who did not attend last week, please take a few minutes and respond to the short survey I set up at:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/6PV58FH
If you did attend the forum there is a separate, slightly more detailed survey at:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/SDMD9V2

If you have ideas or suggestions for the next forum, please send them my way.

Thank you


Bob DenOuden, GISP
Oregon GIS Framework Coordinator
DAS/CIO Geospatial Enterprise Office
155 Cottage St. NE, 4th Floor
Salem, OR 97301
office: (503) 378-3157 cell: (503) 428-4892


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