[gis_info] FW: Fall WVGISUG Meeting- Need Presentations!

DENOUDEN Bob * DAS Bob.DENOUDEN at oregon.gov
Wed Oct 8 07:57:54 PDT 2014

From: ORURISA [mailto:orurisa at wildapricot.org]
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 7:56 AM
To: Bob DenOuden
Subject: Fall WVGISUG Meeting- Need Presentations!


WVGISUG Members,

 The fall meeting in Corvallis is scheduled, and we need presentations!  The meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 29th 2014 at the Corvallis-Benton County Public Library from 1-4pm.  Thanks to Doug Sackinger at Benton County for pulling this meeting together so quickly!  As it is a short timeframe in which to plan a meeting, we need to book some presentations very soon, so if you would like to present, please contact Doug ASAP at Douglas.A.Sackinger at co.benton.or.us<mailto:Douglas.A.Sackinger at co.benton.or.us>  .  If you have any other questions, please contact me at lhegewald at mwvcog.org<mailto:lhegewald at mwvcog.org> .


Lesley Hegewald
Mid-Willamette Valley Council of Governments
lhegewald at mwvcog.org<mailto:lhegewald at mwvcog.org>
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