[gis_info] FYI! April 17 - FREE webinar on Using Lidar to Study Forests - ASPRS\CaGIS\GLIS

Carlson, Tom tcarlson at usgs.gov
Thu Mar 26 07:57:23 PDT 2015

Just an FYI to those interested in using lidar in forestry applications.
Sorry for any duplication.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Alvarez <davidalvarez76 at gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 6:48 PM
Subject: [gis_info] April 17 #GeoBytes - FREE Using Lidar to Study Forests

Registration https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7233919359159070209

Natural resource managers are increasingly using airborne LiDAR to study
forests to conduct inventories, assess habitat, study fires and fuels,
monitor changes, and study ecological processes. This seminar will look at
LiDAR’s strengths and weaknesses compared to other remote sensing methods
to measure forests across landscapes. We will cover how LiDAR measures
forests and how managers can process LiDAR data to measure their forests.
We will also cover how to work with a LiDAR vendor to acquire data for
forest studies and how to relate LiDAR measures with forest measurements
gathered on the ground. In many cases, LiDAR data is gathered for
non-forest studies (such as studying ground morphology);we will discuss how
to use these common data sets to also study forests.

Van R. Kane, PhD, at the University of Washington has been using LiDAR data
to study a diverse range of forests for nearly a decade. His work includes
assisting managers to plan forest restorations, study the effects of fire
on forests, measuring fuels, mapping forest biomass, and developing methods
to study forests with LiDAR data.

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Tom Carlson, PhD, GISP
Geographer - Geospatial Liaison
US Geological Survey
934 Broadway, Suite 300
Tacoma, WA 98402
253.552.1682 Office

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