[gis_info] Reminder: the 18th Oregon GIS Framework Forum is this Wednesday, May 20th, in Salem

DENOUDEN Bob * DAS Bob.DENOUDEN at oregon.gov
Mon May 18 08:51:05 PDT 2015

The 18th Framework Forum is this Wednesday, May 20th, 10:00am - 4:00pm

If you have not done so yet, please register (using your full name and agency) on the Doodle Poll at https://doodle.com/m3fw7uieutkg2pu9  to reserve your seat, there are still a few spaces available.  This event is free and open to all GIS professionals in the state of Oregon.

Chemeketa Center for Business and Industry
626 High St. NE
Salem, OR 97301
Click here<http://www.chemeketa.edu/busprofession/ccbi/map.html> for a map

We are in rooms 102/103. These rooms are to the right when you walk in the front door on the first floor.
For parking, it is suggested that attendees park across the street in the Marion Parkade which is free for the day. You can park anywhere except the roof of the Parkade.

9:00                             Coffee and light pastries available for those arriving early
10:00 -10:15                Welcome and Introductions                                                   Bob DenOuden, GEO
10:15 -10:45                Oregon Soils Framework Standard and Dataset                    Ian Reid, NRCS
10:45 - 11:30              ESRI on the Web: ArcGIS Online, Web API's, and New Tech  Josh Tanner, GEO
11:30 - 12:00              Mt. Hood Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment: An Analysis Combining Hazard and Assessor Data    Jed Roberts, DOGAMI
12:00 - 1:00                Lunch (provided)
1:00 - 1:30                  Statewide Flood Hazard Geodatabase                                    Jed Roberts (DOGAMI), Steve Lucker (DLCD)
1:30 -2:00                    Proposed Oregon Historical Railroad data standard             Emmor Nile (ODF)/Ed Kamholz
2:00 - 2:30                  Fish Habitat Distribution Data Standard update                    Jon Bowers, ODFW
2:30 - 2:45                  break
2:45 -3:15                    Proposed Amended Oregon Metadata Standard                   Bob DenOuden, GEO
3:15 - 4:00                  GEO update and discussion                                                    All
4:00                             adjourn


Bob DenOuden, GISP
Oregon GIS Framework Coordinator
DAS/CIO Geospatial Enterprise Office
155 Cottage St. NE, 4th Floor
Salem, OR 97301
office: (503) 378-3157 cell: (503) 428-4892


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