[gis_info] 2016 NWGIS Conference Workshop - Moving Beyond the Basics of Programming ArcGIS with Python

Eric Pimpler eric at geospatialtraining.com
Mon Aug 8 07:30:22 PDT 2016

On October 17th and 18th I will be teaching "*Moving Beyond the Basics of
Programming ArcGIS with Python*" at the NWGIS Conference in Salem, OR.
Class details are provided below.

More information: https://nwgis.org/2016/workshops

Description: ArcGIS Desktop is the leading desktop solution for GIS analysis
and mapping. The ArcPy site package, which contains the ArcPy Mapping and
Data Access modules, enables Python programmers to access all the GIS
provided through ArcGIS Desktop. ArcPy can be integrated with other open
source Python libraries to enhance GUI development, create stunning
reports, charts, and graphs, access REST web services, perform statistical
analysis, and more. This course will teach you how to take your ArcGIS
Desktop application development skills to the next level by integrating the
functionality provided by ArcPy with open source Python libraries to create
intermediate to advanced level ArcGIS Desktop applications.

Course Modules:

Creating Custom ArcGIS Toolboxes and Tools with Python
Graphical User Interface (GUI) Development with wxPython and ArcGIS
Automating the Production of Map Books with Data Driven Pages and ArcPy
Accessing ArcGIS Server and ArcGIS Online Resources via Python
Integrating Plotly Charts and Graphs with ArcGIS Desktop using Python

Recommended for ArcGIS Desktop programmers with some Python experience who
want to take their skills to the next level.

Instructor: Eric Pimpler of Geospatial Training Services. Eric is the
founder and owner of GeoSpatial Training Services (geospatialtraining.com
and has over 20 years of experience implementing and teaching GIS solutions
using ESRI, Google Earth/Maps, and Open Source technology. Currently Eric
focuses on ArcGIS scripting with Python, and the development of custom
ArcGIS Server web and mobile applications using JavaScript.

Fee: $600 with conference registration or $650 without conference

Class size: Limited to 12 students.  Students will need to provide laptop
and ArcGIS software.

More information: https://nwgis.org/2016/workshops
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