[gis_info] FW: recruiting for a RTK/GIS intern

SMITH Cy * DAS Cy.SMITH at oregon.gov
Thu Aug 11 11:16:28 PDT 2016

Cy Smith, GISP, State GIO
OSCIO Geospatial Enterprise Office
Secretary, Coalition of Geospatial Organizations (COGO)
Past President, Urban Regional Info. Systems Association (URISA)
Past President, National States Geographic Info. Council (NSGIC)
(503) 378-6066, http://gis.oregon.gov<http://gis.oregon.gov/>

From: BRAGG John [mailto:john.bragg at state.or.us]
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2016 8:35 AM
To: Amanda Craig (acraig at ctclusi.org) <acraig at ctclusi.org>; DEMARZO Adam <adam.demarzo at state.or.us>; HELMS Alicia <alicia.r.helms at state.or.us>; Ashley Russell <arussell at ctclusi.org>; Barbara McIntosh <bmcintosh at campbellgroup.com>; YEDNOCK Bree <bree.yednock at state.or.us>; MLADENICH Brian <brian.mladenich at state.or.us>; Betsy Smith <bsmith at cooscurryelectric.com>; SMITH Cy * DAS <Cy.SMITH at oregon.gov>; Darren Cagley <dcagley at coquilletribe.org>; Diane Schab <dschab at socc.edu>; Dan Seals <dseals at co.coos.or.us>; LARSEN Erik C * ODF <erik.c.larsen at state.or.us>; Erin Minster <erin.minster at currywatersheds.org>; Robin Harkins <forestmaps at gmail.com>; MCDONALD-SCHRAGER Hannah B <hannah.mcdonald-schrager at state.or.us>; Heather Glock <hglock at esri.com>; Janna Fraser <jannaf at cooscurryelectric.com>; SCHMITT Jenni <Jenni.SCHMITT at state.or.us>; Jordan Fanning <jfanning at brookings.or.us>; John Guetterman <jguetter at blm.gov>; BRAGG John <john.bragg at state.or.us>; John Gabriel <john at alseageo.com>; John Balcom <john at traverse-pc.com>; John Minor <johnminor3537 at gmail.com>; Jill Rolfe <jrolfe at co.coos.or.us>; John Sharrard (jsharrard at esri.com) <jsharrard at esri.com>; Jeff Stump (jstump at ctclusi.org) <jstump at ctclusi.org>; Kelli Weese <kelli.weese at ci.florence.or.us>; Kathy Hathaway <khathaway at co.coos.or.us>; Khemarith So <khem_so at fws.gov>; Keith Krall <kkrall at esri.com>; Kathleen Meader <kmeader at cooscurryelectric.com>; KNeff <kneff at coosbay.org>; BURKE Laurie <lburke at co.coos.or.us>; Lloyd Matlock <matlockl at co.curry.or.us>; Marty Curtis <mcurtis at cooscurryelectric.com>; Patty Clark <patty at portorford.org>; Paul Comfort <paulc at microcar.org>; Ron Sonnevil <ron at terrafirmageo.com>; Bob Schafer <schaferr at co.curry.or.us>; Scott Adams <scotta at cooscurryelectric.com>; Allen Simmons <simmons at cooscurryelectric.com>; JANSEN Steve <sjansen at co.coos.or.us>; Linda Spurgeon <spurgeon at cooscurryelectric.com>; Shamus Smith <ssmith at co.coos.or.us>; HADDAD Tanya <tanya.haddad at state.or.us>; Tristan Holland <tholland at blm.gov>; Tony Cooley <tony at datadirections.biz>; Bill Buchanan <wrb at oregoncoast.net>
Subject: FW: recruiting for a RTK/GIS intern

Hey Old SCUG,

Copying this internship announcment to the old SCUG list.


PS Have you signed up for the new listserv? I can repost the sign-up link if needed.

From: BRAGG John
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2016 8:28 AM
To: scug at listsmart.osl.state.or.us<mailto:scug at listsmart.osl.state.or.us>
Subject: FW: recruiting for a RTK/GIS intern


South Slough is looking for a GIS and RTK (real time kinematic) intern this fall. See below for the application deadline, and the attached docs for more information.

Pass along to interested folks.

John Bragg, Coastal Training Program Coordinator
South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve
PO BOX 5417
John.bragg at state.or.us<mailto:John.bragg at state.or.us>

541-888-5558 ext. 129

Improving the stewardship of Pacific Northwest estuaries and coastal watersheds

From: SCHMITT Jenni
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2016 8:24 AM
To: BRAGG John
Subject: recruiting for a RTK/GIS intern

John, Could you send this to the SCUG group to spread around? South Slough is looking for a GIS/RTK intern this fall.

Job description and application attached.
8 weeks, 23 hours/week Sept. 7-Oct. 31.
Lump sum stipend awarded at the completion of internship $900
Interested parties may submit completed application, cover letter and resume to deborah.rudd at state.or.us<mailto:deborah.rudd at state.or.us> by 8/19/16.


Jenni Schmitt
Watershed Monitoring Coordinator
South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve
P.O. Box 5417 / 63466 Boat Basin Drive
Charleston, OR 97420
541.888.8270 x312
jenni.schmitt at dsl.state.or.us<mailto:jenni.schmitt at dsl.state.or.us>

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