[gis_info] GIS Classes in Seattle - JavaScript for ArcGIS Server and Programming ArcGIS with Python

Eric Pimpler eric at geospatialtraining.com
Mon Oct 31 07:19:48 PDT 2016

Hi Everyone,

Geospatial Training Services (http://geospatialtraining.com) will be
teaching three class at the King County GIS Center this coming February.
Register now to take advantage of our early registration pricing.

   - Programming ArcGIS with Python Workshop - Introduction
   (February 13th and 14th)
   - Programming ArcGIS with Python Workshop - Intermediate
   (February 15th)
   - Beginning ArcGIS Server Development with the JavaScript API v 4.0
   16th and 17th)

*Course Modules for Programming ArcGIS with Python Workshop - Introduction*
Module 1: Introduction to Arcpy, ArcPy Mapping, and ArcPy Data Access
Module 2: Managing Map Documents and Layers
Module 3: Finding and Fixing Broken Data Links
Module 4: Automating Map Production and Printing
Module 5: Executing Geoprocessing Tools from Scripts
Module 6: Creating Custom Geoprocessing Tools
Module 7: Querying and Selecting Data

*Course Modules for Programming ArcGIS with Python Workshop - Intermediate*
Module 1: Using the Arcpy Data Access Module with Feature Classes and Tables
Module 2: Listing and Describing GIS Data
Module 3: Customizing the ArcGIS Desktop Interface with AddIns
Module 4: Error Handling and Trouble Shooting
Module 5: Using the ArcGIS REST API with Python to Access ArcGIS Server and
ArcGIS Online
Module 6: 5 Things Every GIS Programmer Should Know

*Course Modules for Beginning ArcGIS Server Development with the JavaScript
API v 4.0*
Module 1 – Creating 2D and 3D maps with map viewsUse the concepts you are
already familiar with for creating 2D maps – such as layers, geometry,
symbology and renderers – and then learn how to use features like the
camera, atmosphere, and lightning to create stunning 3D mapping.

Module 2 – Integrate with ArcGIS OnlineGet a head start on your development
by creating beautiful maps in the familiar and easy-to-use environment of
ArcGIS Online. Then learn how to turn it into a 3D web scene and import it
into your application.

Module 3 – Work with Layer ItemsLearn how to define and use Layer Items.
Unlike web maps, which consist of multiple layers all with their own
styling, symbology and definition expressions, layer items allow you to
encapsulate a single layer and share it across many different applications.

Module 4 – Using and Styling WidgetsWidgets allow you to implement complex
GIS capabilities quickly and easily in your applications. They have always
been a strong focus of the ArcGIS JavaScript API and it remains such in v
4.0. However, v 4.0 widgets are so much easier to use, with better support
for styling than ever before. This lesson teaches you what widgets are
available and how to make them look like they are part of your application,
rather than bolted on as an afterthought.

Module 5 – Rendering FeaturesThe rendering capability of v4.0 of the API
has been extended dramatically to support both 2D and 3D map views and you
can use color, size, and opacity in your rendering tools. Learn how to
render features thematically depending on their real-world attributes and
see your data take on a whole new lease of life with the addition of the
third dimension.

Module 6 – Using Vector Tile LayersVector tile layers are the operational
layer equivalent of image tiles but store a vector representation of the
data. Vector Tile Layers remove the need to pre-cache different styled
tiles as well as providing access to the underlying data in each tile. You
can dynamically customize them for the purpose of the map while gaining
many of the performance features of caching. This lesson shows you how.

Module 7 – Using the Geometry EngineIf you have used version 3.x of the
API, then you will know about the Geometry Service which your application
can call out to for operations like simplify, buffer, projection, and so
on. Version 4.0 brings that capability client-side with the introduction of
the Geometry Engine. The speed and simplicity of this approach offers some
truly amazing potential and makes it possible to include some really
advanced, near real-time operations in otherwise “dumb” clients that can
reduce your reliance on expensive Desktop licenses.

Module 8 – Using the Task Framework for GIS WorkflowsEarlier versions of
the API included various tasks that encapsulate GIS workflows such as
querying data, solving routes, geoprocessing, and more. This lesson shows
which tasks are available in version 4.0 of the API and how to use them.

Module 9 – Customizing WidgetsHistorically, customizing widgets using the
JavaScript API has been a complex affair, requiring advanced Dojo skills
and the ability to look ‘under the hood’ at the workings of the Dojo dijit
framework and the DOM in general. In version 4.0, widgets have been
completely re-engineered to separate presentation from functionality. This
makes it really easy to “theme” widgets to match your application, and even
use third party frameworks such as Bootstrap and JQuery, as this lesson
will demonstrate.

Module 10 – Integration with 3rd Party ToolsWhen creating enterprise-level
solutions you might want to consider 3rd party frameworks like Ember or
Angular, and build tools like Bower. The refactoring of the version 4.0 API
makes this easier to achieve, as we will show with a case study in this

Module 11 – SecurityWhile not the most exciting topic, security is of
paramount concern today more than ever. Historically, the API has used
token-based authentication but now you can use OAuth too. Learn how to use
OAuth to manage access to your applications in ArcGIS Online or Portal and
use analytics to determine how people are using your applications.

Eric Pimpler
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