[gis_info] FW: WVGISUG Winter Meeting Agenda Posted

BURCSU Theresa * DAS Theresa.BURCSU at oregon.gov
Fri Feb 3 13:57:36 PST 2017

FYI --

From: ORURISA [mailto:orurisa at wildapricot.org]
Sent: Friday, February 03, 2017 7:53 AM
To: BURCSU Theresa * DAS <Theresa.BURCSU at oregon.gov>
Subject: WVGISUG Winter Meeting Agenda Posted

[http://www.orurisa.org/EmailTracker/EmailTracker.ashx?emailCode=i%2byn2Z%2fs3h%2bUW7vMnpPwqlEvzOszSVoXGfY6BOjd7hwpZyZu6LMLJZTBAJhP%2feXT%2bsByecXETSHX1XsSQxsb%2bRfTHkrSLqlfjkFYcDbwAKg%3d]WVGISUG Members,

The agenda for the winter meeting, scheduled for Wednesday, February 15th from 1-4 pm in Eugene, has been posted! You can see it on the Upcoming Quarterly Meetings page on our website at http://www.orurisa.org/WVUG<http://www.orurisa.org/EmailTracker/LinkTracker.ashx?linkAndRecipientCode=Wm0fQewPdkJPp6w14XE37aW1b8%2flHYaSAZ3et6XjigLylhJswGfzcr%2bOAy%2fcALBhj9P2GaFQ%2fc3OPWyFL0juDCMQnXKGWJahb1SJP7hMqq0%3d> . If you have any questions about this meeting, please contact Bill Clingman at bclingman at lcog.org<mailto:bclingman at lcog.org> .


Lesley Hegewald
Mid-Willamette Valley Council of Governments
lhegewald at mwvcog.org<mailto:lhegewald at mwvcog.org>
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