[gis_info] job opening

SMITH Cy * DAS Cy.SMITH at oregon.gov
Fri Jan 6 10:59:18 PST 2017

South Slough Reserve is hiring a 20 month, half-time GIS position (position description attached). The South Slough Reserve is located on the southwestern Oregon coast in Charleston. The individual selected will work in the science division at the Reserve. They will be primarily focused on a land use project, which will require close interaction and effective communication with the Coos County Planning Department, and a local stakeholder group called the Partnership for Coastal Watersheds<http://www.partnershipforcoastalwatersheds.org/>. To apply, please send me a resume and a one-page letter of interest.

Jenni Schmitt
Watershed Monitoring Coordinator
South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve
P.O. Box 5417 / 63466 Boat Basin Drive
Charleston, OR 97420
541.888.8270 x312
jenni.schmitt at dsl.state.or.us<mailto:jenni.schmitt at dsl.state.or.us>

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