[gis_info] geocoding tool survey

SMITH Cy * DAS Cy.SMITH at oregon.gov
Sat Oct 21 15:30:09 PDT 2017

The GIS team at TriMet is working on an open data project with a wide variety of partners.  They would appreciate address authorities completing a survey put together related to the Mapzen geocoding tool.  The survey is here:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/open-data-contributions.  If you are an address authority, please consider completing the survey.  If you are not an address authority but can get it to an address authority, please forward this message.  Thanks!


Cy Smith, GISP, State GIO
OSCIO Geospatial Enterprise Office
Secretary, Coalition of Geospatial Organizations (COGO)
Past President, Urban Regional Info. Systems Association (URISA)
Past President, National States Geographic Info. Council (NSGIC)
(503) 378-6066, http://gis.oregon.gov<http://gis.oregon.gov/>

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