[gis_info] FW: West Coast Geospatial Coordinator Position Open

BRAGG John john.bragg at state.or.us
Wed Jun 19 07:51:37 PDT 2019


Job opportunity

John Bragg, Coastal Training Program Coordinator
South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve
PO BOX 5417
John.Bragg at state.or.us<mailto:John.Bragg at state.or.us>

(541) 888-5558 ext. 129

Increasing the stewardship and understanding of Pacific Northwest estuaries and coastal watersheds


From: Bree Turner - NOAA Affiliate <Bree.Turner at noaa.gov>
Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2019 4:38 PM
To: Suzanne Shull <sshull at padillabay.gov>; Cathy Angell <cangell at padillabay.gov>; SCHMITT Jenni <jenni.schmitt at state.or.us>; BRAGG John <john.bragg at dsl.state.or.us>; Aimee Good <aimee at sfsu.edu>; Jeff Crooks <jcrooks at trnerr.org>; Kristen Goodrich <kgoodrich at trnerr.org>; Charlie Endris <charlie at elkhornslough.org>; dan at elkhornslough.org; Matt Ferner <mferner at sfsu.edu>; Stuart Siegel <siegel at sfsu.edu>
Subject: West Coast Geospatial Coordinator Position Open

Greetings All,

Would greatly appreciate your assistance in spreading the word about the West Coast Geospatial Coordinator<https://jobs-css.icims.com/jobs/2040/west-coast-regional-geospatial-coordinator/job?mobile=false&width=850&height=500&bga=true&needsRedirect=false&jan1offset=-480&jun1offset=-420> position (based in Oakland,CA) that would be supporting NOAA's Office for Coastal Management geospatial efforts in our region (which includes supporting the NERR geospatial efforts). Screen will begin once there is a good pool to choose from.

Thanks for your assistance in our recruiting efforts!

Best, Bree
Senior Coastal Management Specialist
NOAA's Office for Coastal Management
7600 Sand Point Way, BLDG 4, 2079A
Seattle, WA 98115

(t) 206-526-4641
Lynker, LLC

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