[gis_info] New Mobile Version of Leadership Briefing Application

Stoelb, Daniel daniel.stoelb at state.or.us
Thu Jan 30 10:25:16 PST 2020

Good morning GIS Listserv!

In an effort to make our data and applications more accessible, we have now launched an update to our leadership briefing application that functions on mobile. For those of you that are interested, feel free to check out this new iteration here: https://arcg.is/4jSSi. This new iteration focuses on statistics of each category and allows the user to scroll through each of the items in a more intuitive way without crowding the view on a smartphone or mobile device. You do not need to install any software for this to work - just navigate to the page.

If you like the desktop version, that has not gone away - you can still find it here: https://geo.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=cdf61542ff574df797bdae784992cc44.

Our OEM GIS Hub site (link below in my signature block) has been updated to include the mobile version on the main page, with the option for users to select a link to view the full desktop version of that application.

If you have any questions about this update, feel free to let me know. Thanks!


Daniel Stoelb, GIS Program Coordinator
Operations and Preparedness Section
Oregon Office of Emergency Management
Office 503-378-3234
daniel.stoelb at state.or.us<mailto:daniel.stoelb at state.or.us>
[Related image]<https://www.facebook.com/OMDOEM/> [Image result for twitter icons] <https://twitter.com/OregonOEM?lang=en> [Image result for youtube icons] <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-f486An9fu-mjaMZepX2nA?feature=mhee>

OEM GIS Hub: https://oregon-oem-geo.hub.arcgis.com/

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