[gis_info] Contact list

SMITH Cy * DAS Cy.SMITH at oregon.gov
Fri Apr 2 13:51:13 PDT 2021

Stay informed!

The Oregon Geographic Information Council (OGIC) would like to improve communication and participation with the entire Oregon GIS community.

Please take a moment to fill out a quick one-page survey<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/survey123.arcgis.com/share/9db5acea2f57431b881a912116fd6ef2?portalUrl=https:**Ageo.maps.arcgis.com__;Ly8!!OxGzbBZ6!Nk146KhfNtOAonWZfiMMtOYhRspnVFK467BwHql4WmhyCUAcR3CkUj1LXJ4_Rm-QAO-WN9RYMfQT$> about your organization, yourself, and what the most important things are to you and your organization. Feel free to send this survey to anyone who works with GIS in your organization. We recognize that our distribution list may not include everyone in the geospatial community.

Thank you on behalf of OGIC!

Steven Hoffert, OGIC Chair (Oregon Youth Authority CIO)

Tom Rohlfing, OGIC Chair-Elect (Marion County Assessor)

About the survey

The Oregon Geographic Information Council Technical Advisory Committee (OGIC TAC) has put together a short survey to collect contact information from GIS professionals statewide in fulfillment of their objective to develop and maintain such a contact list.  We will be sending it out to all of the OGIC listservs, in addition to the Oregon/SW Washington URISA email list. Please take a moment to complete the survey and excuse the duplicate request if you've received it via another channel.

Thank you for your consideration and assistance.
Survey <https://survey123.arcgis.com/share/9db5acea2f57431b881a912116fd6ef2?portalUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fgeo.maps.arcgis.com>

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